Kid’s Belongings: What to Keep and What to Throw

storage units and a trolley with a box of child's belongings in it
*Collaborative Post

Parenthood often brings an accumulation of belongings including clothes, toys, books, art projects, and keepsakes. Over time, these items can create clutter, making it difficult to navigate your home and decide what to keep and what to let go of. 

Decluttering your child’s belongings is not just about creating more space; it’s about making thoughtful decisions about what holds value and what can be passed on, repurposed, or discarded. Here’s a guide to help you decide what to keep, what to throw away, and how self storage in Basingstoke can play a role in this process.

What to Keep

Sentimental Items

Children’s artwork, first toys, or a special blanket often hold sentimental value. While it’s impossible to keep every piece of artwork your child creates, selecting a few key items that tell a story or evoke strong memories is important. Consider creating a memory box where these treasures can be stored. Items like their first shoes, hospital bands, or their first drawing can be priceless as they grow older.

Clothes with Special Meaning

Clothes your child wears on special occasions, like their first birthday, a family wedding, or holidays, are worth keeping. These pieces often carry emotional significance and can even be passed down to future generations. Rather than keeping every outgrown outfit, focus on those that mark significant milestones.

Books that Stand the Test of Time

Children’s books can be some of the most cherished items in a household. Classics that your child loved or books that you enjoyed reading together can be kept for future siblings or even grandchildren. These books often carry not just stories, but memories of shared reading time, making them valuable keepsakes.

High-Quality Toys

Not every toy needs to be kept, but those that are high-quality, durable, and foster creativity can be worth holding onto. Wooden toys, puzzles, or educational games that have stood the test of time can be passed down to younger children or stored for future use.

What to Throw or Donate

Broken or Worn-Out Items

Toys that are broken, clothes that are stained or torn, or books that are falling apart are prime candidates for disposal. These items have outlived their usefulness and are unlikely to hold sentimental value. Don’t hesitate to discard them, as keeping them only adds unnecessary clutter.

Outgrown Clothes and Shoes

Children grow quickly, and it’s easy to accumulate clothing that no longer fits. If the clothes are in good condition, consider donating them to a charity or passing them on to a friend or family member. This not only helps you declutter but also benefits others.

Unused or Unloved Toys

If a toy hasn’t been touched in months and doesn’t hold special meaning, it’s time to let it go. Donate these toys to a local shelter, daycare, or charity. By doing so, you can ensure that they bring joy to another child rather than collecting dust in your home.

Duplicate Items

If you have multiple versions of the same toy, book, or game, consider keeping only one and donating the others. Children often have favourites, and the duplicates rarely get used, making them prime candidates for decluttering.

Using Self Storage to Manage Kid’s Belongings

Sometimes, you may not be ready to part with certain items, even if they don’t fit in your home’s current space. This is where self storage can be a valuable tool. Here’s how to make the most of self storage when managing your kid’s belongings:

Preserve Sentimental Items

For items that you want to keep but don’t have space for at home, a self storage unit can be a safe and secure place to store them. You can store items like special toys, books, or clothes that you plan to pass down in the future. This way, they’re protected from everyday wear and tear while still being accessible when needed.

Seasonal Rotation

As the seasons change, so do your child’s needs. Use self storage to rotate items like winter coats, boots, or holiday-themed toys and decorations. This keeps your home clutter-free and ensures that you have easy access to items when the time comes.

Future Siblings or Family Planning

If you’re planning to have more children, self storage can help you hold onto baby gear, clothes, and toys until they’re needed again. This can save you money in the long run and ensure that you’re well-prepared for the next addition to your family.

Deciding what to keep and what to throw away from your child’s belongings can be an emotional process, but it’s necessary for maintaining a clutter-free home. By being selective about what you hold onto and using self storage strategically, you can preserve cherished memories without sacrificing valuable space in your home.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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