Clever Kid’s Toys Storage Ideas

clever kid's storage ideas

I wanted to share some tips to help with clever kid’s toys storage because let’s face it, the toys really can and do take over, don’t they?! I already covered a few pointers in my last blog, I showed you the built-in wardrobe we made in Jake’s room. Perfect for hiding away quite a lot of items. I also showed you a clever way of hiding away the arts and craft. As for nappies, I keep these unwrapped in a chest of drawers so again they are out of sight but are in easy reach.

Old clothes I want to keep as keepsakes or in case I have another boy (if I can bring myself to go through it all again) are kept in storage boxes, tightly packed in, into cupboards.

However, the biggest pain for me has to be the toys in the front room – they just stare at me night after night! Now unless you are lucky enough to have a playroom or the space to build one, you are stuck with this eyesore in a room you once lovingly decorated and accessorised and I needed some clever kid’s toys storage ideas asap. One thing I do like to do is pack it all away once he is in bed and try and forget about it all. I don’t have the space for a cupboard or unit to hide them in my living room so my next best option were these storage sacks from eBay for £13.99.

The Raccoon style was purchased first but as a second year passed the funky fox had to be ordered too! I don’t mind these because they are fun and most toys fit inside – I alternate with the ones upstairs so they aren’t all down at once and overflowing!

Now 2, Jake is obsessed with trains and I naively bought a wooden set… but I never realised the add on’s you could get and how much this set could grow! The original box became worn and battered and as we ordered him more pieces it seemed like train tracks were everywhere. I bought a storage box from Sainsbury’s for a mere £5.99 and it all fits in – much to my amazement and joy:

Books are another item that seem to be given a lot as presents and as much as I love books they became another pain in my living room. I didn’t want to over do Jake’s room though, so I tried to find a solution that wouldn’t take over. I found a small bookcase in Argos for £12.99, just simple and white. I had seen more expensive ones with chalkboards on them and thought they were fab but at £60+ they weren’t really worth it. So, I hunted for a solution and discovered chalkboard paper on a roll!! I can’t remember the price, but it wasn’t much and there were plenty of options online. I chose to cut mine out into puzzle piece shapes by simply using jigsaw puzzle pieces as a template.

Another simple option for storing little books was this set of 3 shelves from eBay for around £6.99:

3 shelves on wall

I hope these clever kid’s toys storage ideas help with storage solutions for your homes too. Happy shopping!

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