Storage Solutions When Your Kids’ Stuff Takes Over the Home!

storage for the home including shelving
*Collaborative Post

So, turns out that 2 kids, 2 adults, a cat and a dog in one house equals to zero space being left. Even though we have a four-bed house it was never designed well when it comes to storage. We’ve had to build cupboards, a window seat, a wardrobe and yet we are still struggling to store everything and now that we have run out of areas to build units I am looking into what funky shelving units are available to help with space but to also make our home look good too. 

Shelving for my books

Prior to having kids, I did actually used to read! I loved my crime novels and now I have so many that they are falling off my bookshelf. I am sure that one day I will get back into adding to my collection and finding the time to read again but for now, they are just going to have to look pretty on the wall and I would absolutely love something like this:

swirly book shelf

Bedroom Shelf

As our brood has increased so has the baby paraphernalia in our bedroom. I’ve given up draw and surface space to nappies, wipes, cotton wool etc and have had to put quite a few photo frames and knick-knacks away under the bed. I would love to be able to have everything on show so I think the solution would be to add a shelf in our room. As I love oak and I am trying to make our bedroom more of a luxurious space I think a shelf like this would be perfect:

oak shelving unit

Kitchen Shelving

Our kitchen is a space I battle with every day. It is also our dining room which means there is far too much in it and not enough cupboard space. I have looked into how we could alter it but I honestly don’t see that it could work any other way unless we completely overhauled it at a huge cost. So instead, I have to be clever with where I keep things but at the moment we don’t have any shelving whatsoever and as there is free wall space I think it would be perfect to utilise this. This stunning wooden shelf is right up my street. It is rustic, it is funky (yep, I love funky stuff!) and it could be used to hold all sorts of items, handy, eh!

kitchen shelf

Office Shelf

My office has temporarily moved to the sofa due to the baby bits taking over my actual office room but when I do finally get it all back up and running I definitely want something like this to keep my stationary organised:

office stationary tidy shelf

Shelving for the Toys

And the biggie has been left for last, yes, the toys. The bane of my life. They just seem to be everywhere and I’m sure they are multiplying somehow?! I have tried using storage boxes, wicker baskets and toy sacks but they still end up in every room, overflowing and under every piece of furniture. I want, no, I need organisation. So, the answer will be attractive boxes (with lids!) on shelves. That way I can tidy up at the end of each day and hide them away. If I could have a playroom, I would but this isn’t an option so clever ways of storing needs to come into play. I would need a shelving unit that is quite heavy duty to take the weight of the toys but I need stylish too… Not too much to ask for? I’ve seen these and think they may do the job:

large shelving unit

I am hoping these shelving ideas are really going to help to make a big change in our home.

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