New Years Resolutions For 2019

a dressing table with a heart shaped mirror and a peg board with the words time for reflection written on it. There is a lit candle and xmas tree lights draped across the surface

I love a fresh start. The feeling of out with the old, in with the new, turning over that new leaf and all those other cliches but resolutions have gone pretty much out the window for me for the last few years. I guess once you become a parent you can’t really guarantee very much as so many unexpected moments, events, illnesses etc. happen and add in the constant tiredness (if you have very small ones) and you just can’t face making these ritual promises to yourself anymore, can you?

Well, this year I thought I would pop my New Years resolutions for 2019 in a blog post to hold myself (a little bit) accountable, I also thought it may be fun to look back at them at the end of the year to see how far I’ve come… or perhaps to just give myself a laugh?!!

Now, I’m not going down the whole get fit, lose weight route. I, unfortunately, had to give up the gym this year due to the exhaustion and as William is still not sleeping well and I am still struggling with my tiredness I am not going to set myself up to fail. I am pretty active with these two boys and IF William begins to sleep better I do want to try and introduce running again because this used to be my time to clear my mind, to blow away the cobwebs and to listen to my tunes and not kids TV theme tunes or nursery rhymes for once!

So, number one will be to stay active and try to be more active.

Number two will be to be far more organised. I’m not sure what’s happened to me… Oh yeah, I became a Mum and my brain cells died! I used to be the most organised person. I would have lists for my lists, I would have everything planned, my calendar was filled, the house was clean and tidy and I had little stress in this department. My stress levels have certainly increased this year because I feel out of control. I want to have it all and do it all (oh, yes!) and to do this I need to start with my lists again, I need to plan ahead, I need to get all the ideas out of my head and into notebooks and I then I know I will feel more organised and with that, content.

Resolution number three has to follow on from the above and that is to try and look after my own mental well-being this coming year. I started with such good intentions in 2018 by talking about making more ‘me time’ and trying to get the hashtag #selfcaremission running on Instagram but again, the exhaustion took over and even though I attempted more pampering at home and promised myself more time out and away from the kids, it never actually happened. William’s needs took over and he is still very clingy which means my life has been put on hold for quite a long time now. Yes, it has been tough and right now I can feel that this has affected my mental health and I haven’t been feeling very positive at all in recent months so it is time to turn this around.

However, I did manage to join a choir and am going to continue with this in 2019 as it is great fun and music is a huge passion of mine. I just need to find time for more hobbies that will help to improve my happiness.

Number four is to try and let go of the negatives that float around my head. I need to stop worrying what others may think of me, stop doubting myself when it comes to my writing and blog work, stop comparing myself to others and just remind myself of how far I have come in the last 3 years, how many people I have reached out to and (hopefully) helped, how many people do actually support me and remember that there is more in me to give.

Which leads me onto resolution number five, I want my blog to do better, I want to grow it, I want to earn more money from it and find the time to do this! (if anyone could clone me that would be great!)

I would also absolutely love to see one of my children’s books in print, which is something I have been saying for almost 3 years now. I have tried to find a literary agent to take me on but after lots of rejections I gave up and my books have been sat on my laptop ever since. I need to refocus on this and see if my stuff is relevant in 2019. Who knows? But I know I have to try.

Other than that my aims are to have much more fun with my boys, enjoy life even more, have the best holiday we could ever have (all will be revealed soon!) and have another baby… JOKE!! hahaha I don’t think I would survive on zero sleep!

I would like to now say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my blogs, thank you for supporting me, messaging me, following me on my social media channels and for becoming my friends online and some of you in real life. This little online world makes me smile so much, it makes everything a little less lonely and it is probably one of the best things I have stumbled into (other than a pub!)

Have a fantastic New Year whatever you choose to do (if you are a parent you’ll probably be in bed by 10:30pm like us!) and I hope all your hopes and dreams for 2019 come true!

All the best

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2 thoughts on “New Years Resolutions For 2019

  1. Good luck with your resolutions, I really hope you manage to manage to get someone on side with publishing one of your children’s books. May 2019 be on your side. Happy New Year xx

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