Packing Your Hospital Bag

*Gifted TENS machine
Packing your hospital bag is usually something you can end up leaving until the last month or so but in my case, I have just chosen to frantically pack mine now (with what I have to hand) as I have now been told twice this week that my baby seems to be getting himself into position, which with all my issues recently I am not overly surprised. If he doesn’t come naturally I will more than likely be induced a little earlier anyway so now is the time to plan, prepare and get my head around the fact I will probably have a baby this year and not next year!
Due to all of the above, I am having to overthink my hospital bag, whereas with Jake it was all quite simple until I had the emergency c-section and needed more items for staying in, but this was easily sorted by hubby going back and forth for me! We can’t always take into account every scenario but if we know there is a chance that a birth could go in a few ways we can over-prepare for most outcomes.
So, this is what I have chosen to go in my hospital bag this time around:
For Me
- 2 nightdresses from Primark. I had these last time and they are large, comfortable and the buttons mean there is easy access for breastfeeding.

- 3 pairs of large knickers. I don’t buy maternity knickers, I just go up a size or 2 and I have plenty from my last pregnancy.
- Feeding bras. I am packing a few just in case I have to stay in and because I remember how much I leaked from the first time around.
- Breastfeeding pads- even if you don’t breastfeed you will still leak.
- slippers.
- Maternity pads x2 packets.
- Wash bag with all my toiletries. If I have time I will also probably buy those empty travel bottles and pop some shampoo etc into them to save space and prevent any leaks.
- 2 towels- 1 for body and 1 for hair.
- Hairbrush.
- Dry shampoo coz if you don’t feel like washing your hair this stuff is amazing!
- Flannel either for mopping your brow during labour or for refreshing yourself after.
- Water mist spray for during labour.
- Tissues? Maybe, although I am sure the hospital will be on it and be ready for the tears!
- TENS machine. I am hoping for a natural labour and birth so I will be using a TENS machine to relieve the pain. I used one with Jake’s labour even though we ended up having a c-section.

- Dressing gown.
- Hair ties because you will probably want them during labour and for after if you aren’t up for showering.
- Bag of treats, drinks, food, anything that will keep you going. I should have eaten more much earlier on the first time around to keep my energy levels up. Then when the epidural is administered you are told you cannot have anything so I went on for far too long running on empty.
- Magazines or book if you are going to be in for a while before or after.
- Rescue remedy as recommended by a midwife. It is safe to use and will help to calm you if you become a little stressed or agitated.
- Change of clothes for going home in. You will probably want something comfortable and loose. I have opted for leggings, a jumper dress and slip on shoes.
For Baby
- Hats to keep him warm.
- Selection of baby grows and vests. I am in the position where I don’t know when he is going to arrive so I’ve had to pick some very small items and normal newborn sizes. It’s a guessing game so all I can do is over prepare for what size he will need.

- Scratch Mittens. I didn’t use them with Jake but we still have them so they are going in just in case.
- Muslins.
- Blanket. I am taking one that we received from the hospital after Jake was born. I thought it would be a nice touch to use it again.
- Nappies. We have bought the smallest ones available and have a few size 1’s. Again, we are being prepared in case he is very small.
- Cotton wool for those lovely first poos!
- Car seat for taking him home.
It really is about taking what will make you more comfortable whilst in hospital, what will get you through what could be a long period and to prepare as best you can for each scenario as birth plans don’t always go as you envisaged.
Is there anything else you would add to this?

*I have received the TENS machine in exchange for a review which I will be posting once the little guy has made his arrival. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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