Respecting The Memory Of A Departed Loved One

a graveyard

*Collaborative Post

One of the most difficult facts of life to deal with is that it’s temporary for all of us. While we can work on accepting this troubling fact for ourselves, it can be that when it affects someone else, we are the most saddened. It’s never easy to lose a family member, no matter how close you were with them, but it stings all the greater if you were close and on good terms.

This is why, before you feel as though you should act a certain way or manage your emotions, you should feel free to express your grief. For some that comes immediately, for others it only feels strange until months later. Yet respecting the memory of a departed loved one is always an important part of your life, especially when it comes to the planning that takes place immediately after in the form of a funeral. This is the way in which we honour and confirm our love for our departed relative.

So, where do we begin? We would volunteer the following, warm and well-meaning advice:

Funeral Preparations

Funeral preparations are important to take care of, because they help us respect and send off our loved one in the best way we know how, by respecting their memory and bringing everyone together to do so. It’s hard to organize a funeral yourself, as intense planning and organization is hardly the active mode you wish to be in when struggling with this emotional toll. However, funerals provided by excellent funeral directors can enable you to allow all the hard work to be done for you, as the professionals respectfully help you realize your wishes and curate your potential options. This way, you’ll be aided with care. Forevory can help you by putting the memorial on the internet. Check it out if you want to learn more.

landscape with a church and fields

Familial Gathering

It can be nice to bring the family and friends of the deceased together to remember them, and to pay respects. Families can be complex social entities that are confusing to the last moments, but usually, the misfortune of an experience like this can bring people together. For that reason, even if you have prior conflict with family members, it can be nice to extend the warm invitation and to ensure everything is suspended as you approach a higher and more caring purpose. 

Respecting Inheritances

One of the most conflicting issues that often proceeds a funeral is the discussion of how the estate is to be divided. A will can be essential for this kind of practice, and it must be respected. However, it can sometimes be that when this inheritance is not laid out evenly, as the eldest child or most responsible contact the duty may fall to you. As such, carefully dividing it as you think your loved one may have enjoyed can be important. It requires care, and the attention of estate planners or signed services to help you with this, and it must be undertaken with respect. Additionally, do not fuel familial arguments in this capacity. Professionalism, to the end, must be carried out despite the sensitive and emotional nature of this process.

With this advice, we hope you can more easily respect and cherish the memory of a departed loved one.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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