Review | Eco-Friendly Coconut Bowls and Spoons

coconut bowl and spoon review

*Gifted Items

As you’ll all probably know by now, my eco journey is ever-growing and there is rarely a week that goes by where I’m not trying out something new or researching products and looking for new ways to reduce my waste, to help the environment and to be more sustainable. It’s become a passion as well as a hobby! And as a blogger I am very lucky to be in a position to be able to hear about the latest products and to have the opportunity to try them out and to then, of course, let you lovely lot know about them. So, when Global 1st asked me to review their coconut bowls and spoons I jumped at the chance.

Reclaimed from Thailand, these beautiful coconut bowl sets are 100% natural and 100% unique with no two bowls ever being exactly the same. They are made from discarded coconut shells which are then handcrafted into the bowls and spoons with the process including cutting, cleaning, sanding and then polishing with a coconut oil.

hand holding up 2 coconut bowls and spoons

First Impressions

As you can see from the photo, they are really interesting, eye-catching and pretty. I immediately loved the whole look of them.

photo of the coconut bowls from above

Both the inside and the outside of the bowls is smooth to touch, with no nicks or scuffs, no coconut hair and certainly no scent of coconuts either. In fact, they smell very woody which is really lovely.

photo from above of the coconut bowls and spoons

One thing I was really surprised about was how lightweight they are. I assumed they would be heavy and quite substantial but they are thinner than they look and very light. Now, I didn’t want to test it out but it does make me wonder how well they would withstand being dropped on the floor. I think they may need to be handled with care.

They are also deeper than I thought which means you can easily have that extra scoop of ice cream!!

Using The Bowls and Spoons

The bowls are advertised as being perfect for both hot and cold dishes so I decided to give a small variety of things a try. First up, I went for yoghurt and I even put them through the kid test too!

coconut bowl of yoghurt with strawberries

One thing you cannot deny is how gorgeous the bowls look when filled! Insta perfect every time. But how well do they perform in use and how easy is it to eat from those spoons?

The boys both loved their new bowls and at 2 and 5 they both managed perfectly with holding the bowls as well as the spoons. The size of the bowls meant that they were actually perfect for the kids to balance on their hands and laps (or on the sofa!) and the spoons being fairly chunky and large were great for digging in with!

Jake and William eating the yoghurt from the coconut bowls

Once I got the boy’s seal of approval I gave the bowls a go myself and tried out my pasta dinner in one of them.

pasta and salad in a coconut bowl

I loved how much I could fit in (love pasta!) but unfortunately, if you wanted to sit and hold this in your hand rather than have it on a table you will end up with a very hot hand! The heat came radiating through which really surprised me. It was a bit of a shame but as I say, if you always have them at a table it won’t be an issue.

I then had my ice cream for pudding which gave me the chance to try out the spoon as well.

ice cream in a bowl with strawberries on top

The bowls work far better with cooler foods. I loved eating from this spoon. It worked well to get into the ice cream, it was smooth to eat from and I loved getting that little woody smell coming through with each mouthful.

Cleaning the Coconut Bowls and Spoons

The coconut bowls and spoons need to hand-washed as a dishwasher will just be too harsh on them but to be honest they were no hassle at all. The leftover mess easily rinsed away and I had no issues with anything being stuck on. They air dried quickly on my draining board and I know I would need to be careful not to leave them in any wet as the wood wouldn’t be very forgiving I’m sure.

Overall Thoughts

My overall thoughts are all positive. I love the look, I love the fact they are a sustainable product and I think they are so much fun too. They are perfect for the whole family and would definitely be a talking point for a dinner party.

If you’d like to purchase a set for yourself you can do so over on Global 1st’s website where you can buy them from their sister company Vie Gourmet in sets of 2, 4 or 6.

my signature

*I was gifted these products in exchange for an honest review. As always, all opinions are my own. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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