Review: Life’s Little Bugs

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As soon as I heard of the concept of the Life’s Little Bugs books I just knew they were right up our street and was over the moon when Tina, the author, asked me to review a set. She has brought together education with fun rhyming stories to teach children the importance of looking after themselves, one another and the environment. There are 7 books in the series and each has been entirely written plus illustrated by Tina. The illustrations are most definitely the first thing that draws you in. Each cover is a bright shade of green which not only catches your eye but also gives the sense of fun. The main character of each book also appear on the cover and they are all just so brilliant! Well, you can take a look for yourselves…

Meet The Life’s Little Bugs

Flu Bug

Flu bug lives in his slimy house and has a drippy nose and red eyes. He enjoys going out and spreading his germs! The story explains how germs can be spread and how the flu can make you feel. Each book ends with a teacher explaining the lesson learnt and, in this case, how to prevent the flu from spreading.

flu bug from life's little bugs

‘To stop the spread of a cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and bin your tissue please!’

Doodle Bug

Jake particularly enjoyed this story. Doodle bug enjoys drawing on everything he see’s… even his poor dog! Once he has no space left in or on his house, he moves out onto the street and a lady explains to him why he shouldn’t be ruining others’ things and belongings.

doodle bug from life's little bugs


‘Respect of others and their things is free and it makes it a happier place to be’

Gum Bug

This was Jake’s favourite… may have something to do with me always banging on about teeth! Gum bug brings germs and plaque to destroy your teeth. The story explains where plaque can hide, what it can do and how your child can prevent it.

Gum bug from life's little bugs

‘Care for your teeth every day to keep Gum Bug and his plaque attack away!’

Fitness Bug

The fitness bug is a very energetic bug and enjoys exercising every day. He notices an overweight frog and offers to help him lose weight and live a healthier life. The lesson at the end of the book encourages the children to eat more fruit and veg and fewer snacks and sugary products.

fitness bug from life's little bugs

‘Have a life that is healthy and fit and that’s the best way to really enjoy it!’

Hum Bug

Hum Bug is a gloomy bug who cannot see the best in life. With the help of his friend, he is taught about imagination,  positivity and changing his mindset.

Hum bug from life's little bugs

‘If you think you can, you will see… you will be the best you can be!’

Tummy Bug

The story of tummy bug explains to your child why we can become ill and where the germs may be lurking. They will be taught that cleaning up will banish these germs as will avoiding old foods.

Tummy bug from the Life's little bugs collection

‘Before a meal and after using the loo, remember to wash your hands too!’

Litter Bug

Litter bug believes that he needs to be dropping rubbish everywhere he goes, until one day he is stopped and confronted over his actions. PC Blue tells litter bug to start picking up his mess instead of making it and we see litter bug changing his ways and enjoying working hard.

LItter Bug front cover of Life's little bugs

‘Don’t throw Litter anymore! Put it in the bin, not on the floor!’

We have loved reading these books at bedtime each night and Jake has taken so much in. He can finish some of the words, he can remember the stories and he adores the images, as you can see…

Each book is available to purchase via the website or on Amazon as both paperback and kindle editions.

Paperback are just £5.99 each or you can purchase all 7 for just £33.99 with FREE p&p via her website

For more offers, information, to download your free educational activity charts and also a free introductory book pop over onto the website.

You can also follow Tina and the life’s little bugs story on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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*We received these books in exchange for this review. All opinions remain honest and my own for further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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8 thoughts on “Review: Life’s Little Bugs

  1. Ah these sound fab I love the concept and such a good way to educate. I suspect mine are ever so slightly too young but it will certainly be something I would get when the time comes. Thanks for sharing at #familyfun x

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