Review | The Massage Company, Camberley

review the massage company camberley

*Gifted Massage

As a busy Mum of 2, I am always promising myself I will take better care of my body and general well-being but in reality, life can be just too much of a juggle and it’s not until something really happens that I sit up and take notice. That something just recently was my back giving in. As in, I was busy tidying up in the house one minute and laying flat on the floor the next! I’d known there was some tightness in my back and hips, I was very aware that each time I stood up my pelvis took some time to align and I looked like an 80-year-old woman, yet, I put off seeing anybody because I simply did not have the time. Such an excuse, isn’t it? If that was one of my children I would have found them help as soon as they told me something was hurting, but because it was me, I just left it. Luckily, not long after, The Massage Company got in touch with me asking if I could pop along and review a massage at their Camberley Centre. What perfect timing!

On Arrival

Not knowing Camberley very well, I chose to park in the large Main Square car park which is near to the shopping centre as I knew it would be easy to locate and would have plenty of spaces. However, there are other parking options including one behind the centre and if you are local I’m sure you will be able to navigate the area far better than me. Located on Pembroke Broadway, near to the train station, the modern building stands out with its striking logo colours making it very easy to spot.

the ouside of the massage company building

When I stepped inside I was greeted by Louise on reception. She was warm and friendly and asked me to take a seat to fill out my details on a form. If it is your first visit you will be asked to arrive 10-15 minutes early just to do this bit of admin. The waiting area was so clean and tidy, with comfortable seats and a minimalistic look. Louise offered me a glass of water and I was very pleased to be given a reusable stainless steel cup. I then spotted their sign which got the thumbs up from me…

the waiting area inside the massage company
waiting area of the massage company
sign in the massage company

The Massage Room

My massage therapist, Emily, came in and introduced herself to me. She explained we would go upstairs to one of the massage rooms, asked me a few questions about whether I’d ever had a massage before, showed me where the toilets were and so on. Just like the waiting room, the massage room was minimalist but it had everything you could want. There was a table in the middle of the room, oils on a shelf, hot stones, a seat to place your clothing and a mirror for checking yourself afterwards. 

the massage room

Emily then asked me what areas I wanted working on and we agreed to look into my problem areas across my entire back and neck. She did recommend that a scalp massage would be very beneficial but as this would eat into the back massage time I decided that I just wanted to focus on my muscles during that session. She left me to get undressed and to get under the covers on the massage table ready for her to begin the treatment.

The Massage

The massage table was heated and so comfortable. Emily dimmed the lights and played relaxing music. She explained from the start what she was going to do, what areas would be covered and how it would help. The massage began with me on my back as she worked into my neck and shoulders. She was very sweet and told me to just speak up if it hurt or was uncomfortable. She placed a pillow under my knees for comfort and started work on my badly knotted shoulders. We chatted a bit about where we lived, our jobs, husbands etc and I felt completely at ease.

Once that part was completed I turned over onto my front so she could work on my full back. From here I chose to be silent and to just enjoy the treatment as well as the quiet and the relaxation. After a stressful few weeks, I needed to just drift away… and I did just that!

The 50 minutes flew by and I could have easily laid there for another hour. I was so chilled and could immediately feel that my muscles were less tight. Emily told me to take my time getting up, to get dressed and that she would be waiting for me with water outside the door. What a wonderful touch!

After Care

As we walked down the stairs, Emily explained what she did, how it should help but also how I may ache a little the next day. She filled in an information sheet with all that she did and her recommendations for my next visit and how often I should be seen. It was all very thorough. As I felt a little light-headed (which is completely normal) she advised that I drink a lot of water and to not drive straight away but to maybe take a look around the town and get some fresh air.



Back at reception, Louise then explained how the Massage Company works and what they offer, along with their prices. You can either opt to be a member for £49.95 per month, a Flexi member (meaning you can join up and share it with your other half/Mum/Dad etc) for £59.95 per month or you could drop in for £79.95 per massage. Their massages include deep tissue (which is what I had), sports, classic Swedish and maternity and all are guaranteed for a full 50 minutes (you can upgrade to 80 minutes for an additional £20). On top of this, for an extra £5.95 for members or £8.95 for non-members, you can also have hot stones, aromatherapy, a ‘fantastic foot treatment’ or a scalp massage.

the massage company reception and sign with prices

The Massage Company is open 9am- 9pm Monday to Thursday, 8am-9pm Friday, 8am-8pm Saturday and 10am-6pm Sunday so there are plenty of sessions available and to suit any work pattern or to allow for childcare etc. 

They now have massage centres open in Camberley, High Wycombe, Tunbridge Wells and Sutton Coldfield.

You can contact the establishments either via phone or email and they even offer online booking too. For more information visit their main website here.

Overall Thoughts

From start to finish the service and care at The Massage Company was outstanding. I felt relaxed, informed and at ease the whole time. If you are looking for an establishment that is more catered towards your needs in terms of care, rather than a traditional spa experience massage then this is the place for you. 

my signature

*I was invited along for a complimentary massage in exchange for a review. As always all opinions remain honest and my own. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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