bringing you garden to life with trees

Bringing Your Garden To Life With Trees

*Collaborative Post

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that gardening is one of my passions. However, you will also know that when we were in the process of house buying this was, unfortunately, the one area that we had to compromise on due to house prices and even though we have now lived in our new build for 6 years, I am still working hard on the garden in order to mature it and to give it that homely feel. For me, the garden is an extension of your home and it deserves just as much attention as the house does. I have such fond memories of playing in the garden as a child with one of the best parts being that we had an apple tree. We had hours of fun climbing it, hanging a rope from it to swing on and collecting the cooking apples for my Nan to make crumbles with. I don’t think you need to have a garden full of toys, you just need children with a good imagination. I also believe that it is very important to get kids into gardening too, even in simple ways such as watering, growing strawberries or just by having a place where they can happily dig and play.

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