The perfect bedtime routine for your teething baby text over three images of a teething baby

The Perfect Bedtime Routine for Your Teething Baby

As you know, a teething baby is hard work at bedtime. The pain tends to wake them more often, their ears can ache when laid down, nappy rash can make turning over uncomfortable and you will certainly know about it if a tooth decides to cut in the early hours! It’s tough. I am experiencing it all over again and it is just as bad the second time around. However, what I can help with is getting them off to sleep to start with. I’m not saying it’s going to work for all babies, I’m not saying it’s going to happen each and every night but what it should do is help both of you to relax in the run-up to bedtime, it should help your baby to cope better with that teething pain and it should hopefully help to keep your routine and settle them more easily.

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