review the massage company camberley

Review | The Massage Company, Camberley

*Gifted Massage

As a busy Mum of 2, I am always promising myself I will take better care of my body and general well-being but in reality, life can be just too much of a juggle and it’s not until something really happens that I sit up and take notice. That something just recently was my back giving in. As in, I was busy tidying up in the house one minute and laying flat on the floor the next! I’d known there was some tightness in my back and hips, I was very aware that each time I stood up my pelvis took some time to align and I looked like an 80-year-old woman, yet, I put off seeing anybody because I simply did not have the time. Such an excuse, isn’t it? If that was one of my children I would have found them help as soon as they told me something was hurting, but because it was me, I just left it. Luckily, not long after, The Massage Company got in touch with me asking if I could pop along and review a massage at their Camberley Centre. What perfect timing!

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