landfill and truck

Why We Need To Be Wary Of Certain ‘Eco’ Products

So, eco has caught on and yep, some people are trying to make it the new ‘in’ thing. I mean you only have to glance at Instagram now and somebody is claiming to be #livingsustainably or #zerowastelife in their bio– trendy hashtag galore! The truth of the matter is that most of us will never ever be fully living sustainably and you will only be living zero waste if you live out in the woods off the fat of the land. It just isn’t possible in this modern world. Everything we use gives off energy, emissions, produces waste etc. so there is no way I will ever be claiming that I anything but trying my best. Which leads me onto the next new thing… Continue reading “Why We Need To Be Wary Of Certain ‘Eco’ Products”

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