mud kitchen play area

Creating a Mud Kitchen Play Area

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Having a small garden can make seeing its potential quite tricky. I always assumed that creating areas for each family member to enjoy would make it feel even smaller but since creating our pond and rockery, I realised that outdoor space had so much to give us and so I began planning a dedicated mud kitchen play area and this is how it turned out…

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How To Make A Simple Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder

When it comes to being eco-friendly, the easier the better is my motto (that and small sustainable steps) plus if you can involve your children, that is also a bonus. Being able to show them how we can make our own items, help to reduce waste and also help nature is vital for the future and I love finding new ideas for us to do together. So, here is a simple eco-friendly bird feeder that even the smallest hands can help with.

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