I love a fresh start. The feeling of out with the old, in with the new, turning over that new leaf and all those other cliches but resolutions have gone pretty much out the window for me for the last few years. I guess once you become a parent you can’t really guarantee very much as so many unexpected moments, events, illnesses etc. happen and add in the constant tiredness (if you have very small ones) and you just can’t face making these ritual promises to yourself anymore, can you?
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Re-Discovering Yourself After Becoming a Mother
I have always been a worker. I started out doing a paper round after school, went on to have a Saturday job at 16 and after leaving college I decided that working was for me and not studying. I worked my way up in a well-known retailer and had such a passion for it that you would have thought I owned the shop myself. After leaving this job to pursue a new career as a teaching assistant I unexpectedly fell pregnant very quickly (we had tried the year before but after 4 months nothing had happened. Just goes to show what a new job can do for you!) I went on maternity and had planned to return to work but my new found motherly attachment had other plans! I knew I had to be at home with him and I knew I wouldn’t have been happy going back into full-time work.
Continue reading “Re-Discovering Yourself After Becoming a Mother”