So, we made it to our destination but it wasn’t without a little trouble with our luggage at check-in. We knew we were going to be over, it was inevitable in our eyes. I mean, we have 2 children, 1 being a baby and we were coming away for 2 weeks. We had only been allocated 15 kg per person and I know what I’m like for overpreparing and packing for every possible scenario. I just can’t help myself,
Continue reading “Top Tips For Keeping Your Luggage Weight Down When Travelling With Children”Tag: packing

Your Ultimate Home Move Checklist
*Collaborative Post
Are you about to move house? If so, it’s time to start preparing for that. If you don’t, you will only leave yourself open to the kinds of problems that so often arise when people are moving house. To help you out, we’ve put together the ultimate home move checklist, so make the most of it.
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My Top Ten Travel Must-Haves
It may only be February but after what seems like the longest cold spell I am craving the warmth of the sun and just this week we have been discussing where our holiday destination will be this year.
If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that last year’s holiday was a very special one. Having previously only taken Jake to Cornwall on our trips, we were thrown into experiencing our first holiday abroad with him because my sister chose Zante, Greece as the venue for her wedding. Taking a two-year-old on a plane was something
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