I’ve not had any experience with Primary Schools since I was in one myself which, er, is a while back now! So, when Jake started last September I hadn’t really thought about how much they would have changed. I knew that their equipment would be better, that their knowledge of how children learn would be far improved, that the school dinners would be much healthier and the trips would be more interesting but one area I hadn’t banked on was homework. Continue reading “I Don’t Agree With Primary School Homework And Here’s Why”
Tag: reception class
What To Really Expect When Your Child Starts School
Ok, we have survived a term and school is now back after the Christmas break. So, after going through what we have found to be a very tricky transition (yep, both of us!) I decided to share with you lovely lot who are completing your application forms what to REALLY expect when your child starts school. Because let’s face it, there is plenty that the school will not tell you at the parent’s evenings, there will be areas that are quickly glossed over and there are things that just simply get missed or do not seem quite as important, but as I have found out, what isn’t a big deal to some may be a big deal to you. Continue reading “What To Really Expect When Your Child Starts School”
Everybody Told Me To Prepare My Child For School… But Nobody Prepared Me!
It was something I was dreading. The main reason being because I knew I was going to miss my boy so much in the week, that, and the daily school run (It was bad enough 3 days a week I couldn’t imagine adding another 2). I’d had my tears at the pre-school concert, I’d cried at the staff members as we said goodbye and I sobbed far too much opening paperwork for school. However, I hid my upset about this big change and put on my big girl pants in front of Jake and got on with being smiley, chirpy Mummy who was ‘super excited’ for him. Continue reading “Everybody Told Me To Prepare My Child For School… But Nobody Prepared Me!”
Dear Son, Somehow it is Time for School…
Dear Jake,
Somehow it is time for school and I know that you’re ready… but am I?
I couldn’t let this huge milestone pass without writing down how I feel about this whole new transition yet I have sat here staring at a blank screen for a while now and I just don’t know where to start. Continue reading “Dear Son, Somehow it is Time for School…”