This trimester has felt long. What makes it feel even longer is the fact that no one can decide precisely when this one ends and the third begins! Seriously, my book and Bounty tells me week 26, NHS says 27 and other people say week 28 so I have given up guessing and am bringing this update to you around a time when I feel that I am getting bigger and things have definitely moved on.
Continue reading “My Pregnancy: The Second Trimester”Tag: update

From Nursery To Toddler Room In A Few Simple Steps
*Gifted Product
With a new baby on the way we felt it was time to put some focus onto Jake. We decided the best way to do this was to update his bedroom before we begin on the new nursery. His room has been kept almost the same since he was born and as he will be four this year we felt it was time for it to shift from nursery to toddler room. This is how we achieved it in a few simple steps…