Your Ultimate Home Move Checklist

house keys in a hand
*Collaborative Post

Are you about to move house? If so, it’s time to start preparing for that. If you don’t, you will only leave yourself open to the kinds of problems that so often arise when people are moving house. To help you out, we’ve put together the ultimate home move checklist, so make the most of it.

Moving Plan

Having a plan in place for your big move is going it be really important. Without a strong plan, you’ll only make your life harder than it needs to be. The move will be messy and chaotic, and that’s never any fun so don’t let it happen to you as you move to a new place.

Create an Inventory

An inventory is nothing more than a list of everything that you own and that you’ll be packing and taking to your new home. Knowing what you have now is important because you can check that everything makes it to your new home later on when the move is complete.

Box Coding

Coding your boxes is a really good idea, and it’s one of those things that more people should do. It helps you to know which items are in which box, and that’s really important when it comes to unloading the moving truck and taking the boxes to the right room in the home.

boxes for moving

Secure Moving Vehicle

You need to have a vehicle that’s going to be able to transport your possessions securely and safely. You can either rent a van or hire a man with a van to drive for you. You should get quotes from at least 3 companies and compare the capacity and availability of their service. You can easily do this by going to WhatStorage website and checking out different moving companies in your area. If you live in Sheffield, it will be a smart decision to hire the nearest man and van in Sheffield to save on moving costs.


Insurance is important because it’s very easy for things to get broken and damage when you’re moving them from one home to another. With the right insurance, you will be fully covered for any damage that does occur.

Stay in Touch With Your Solicitor Throughout

Your solicitor is going to be the one dealing with all the paperwork and legal stuff that’s too confusing for people like you and me. That’s why you should always stay in touch with your solicitor throughout the whole process.

Pack the Last-Minute Items

If you’ve packed the bulk of your items, you will need to pack the last minute items later on. Not everything can be packed in advance because you need to keep using certain items right up until the day of the move itself.

Charge Your Phone Ahead of the Moving Day

This is a simple tip that can make a big difference because you will need to be in touch with a lot of people on the day of your move.

Get the Keys and Hand Over Your Old Ones

Finally, you’re going to need to make sure you get the keys to your new home from the old owner and pass on your old keys to the new owner of your previous home.


Moving home is tricky, but only if you’re not prepared for what you need to do and what has to happen. This checklist should guide you as you take on that big move for yourself.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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