Unique Ways To Explore Wildlife With Kids


*Collaborative Post

The natural world is a truly amazing thing. Even as an adult, there are things in the world which will leave you feeling awestruck, and you can often find them very close to home. With the way that this part of the world makes you feel, though, it’s easy to see just how excited your little ones might get when they are exposed to the right things. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to get up close and personal with nature, without relying on zoos and other businesses to help along the way.


Night Time Observation

There are a lot of animals in the world which will only come out during the night. Observing them used to be a real challenge, with light scaring them away, and noise being even worse during still nights. Nowadays, though, thanks to the availability of products like infrared cameras, it’s possible to set up an observation station which can give you the chance to survey the whole garden. CCTV systems for this sort of job are more affordable than ever before, making it a good time to embrace your garden at night.



When you want to see the wildlife the ocean has to offer, you best options you have will all involve getting yourself a little bit wet. With the help of kid’s and women’s wetsuits from Ann’s Cottage, it should be nice and easy to get out into the sea for a bit of a snorkel, and this is something you can do practically anywhere. Of course, though, it will be worth asking the coast guard who is on duty before taking your kids out into the ocean.

a child snorkelling


Rock Pooling

Sticking with the beach, it’s time to think about rock pooling and the fun which can be had finding animals like crabs and small fish. When the tide goes out, loads of small ponds are left behind for a few hours. These are often bustling with life, including fish and other animals from loads of different species. This can be an excellent way to teach your child to respect animals, as they will have to be careful not to hurt their findings, while also getting to see environments which are easily destroyed by waste.


Bug Collecting

Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about another option for the garden. Collecting bugs is very easy when you have the right technology for it. With a light, white sheet, and a frame to put it all onto, you can create a haven for insects. Best done at night, using a rig will help to attract bugs in an easy way and safe way. You just have to be careful to make sure that there aren’t any dangerous critters being drawn in by it!


With all of this in mind, you should now be feeling ready to take on the challenge of helping your kids to explore wildlife in more unique ways. 

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