Simba refurbished mattress

Review: A Green Perspective on a Simba Refurbished Mattress


As an eco-conscious person, when it comes to sourcing homeware items I will often turn to secondhand as my first port of call. There is always somebody out there getting rid of something they no longer need or use and their castoffs can quickly become another person’s gems. But what about those household items that need to meet hygiene standards, items such as mattresses? Well, this is one of those occasions where I would usually advise you to buy brand new. Of course, purchasing new doesn’t need to mean unsustainable, there are plenty of companies out there doing all they can to improve and excel in their sustainability measures one of which is Simba. However, you can now also buy refurbished products from Simba meaning you get that new feel with a used/returned product that is better for the environment and your wallet too. This service really caught my attention and I am going to give you my green perspective on it all in this review…

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Overherd Oat Milk Review: A Creamy and Sustainable Dairy Alternative

*Ad & Affiliate Code

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