Soppycid reusable water balloons

Soppycid Reusable Water Balloons Review

*PR Product & Affiliate Links

As an eco-conscious parent, I constantly feel that pull between doing what is right for the environment and what my kids want. It’s really tough at times, you don’t want to end up being a “no” parent but you also don’t want to be creating unnecessary waste. One area I felt this was a number of years ago when I stopped buying disposable water balloons. After seeing the mess, needless plastic waste, how fast it was all over, not to mention the money I had wasted, I decided that these were not something we would be using ever again. I only had one child at the time and after a good discussion, he was mature enough to understand and agree. Fast forward a few years and I came across crocheted reusable water balloons which looked like a fantastic alternative to the disposable ones. We purchased a set and were over the moon with the results. Being an eco blogger I of course shared these with my audience and wrote about our experience of these reusable water balloons here on my blog. Now, even though we loved them, I could see that they weren’t quite for everybody and I get that. They are what I would call a very eco product. They are very different to disposable water balloons and I know that sometimes it’s harder to make a swap when it doesn’t feel like what you are used to (mindset is really key when it comes to making sustainable changes) but at the time I couldn’t provide anyone with another option… Until now!

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Review | Eco Made Easy Subscription Box from Smallkind


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Ruby Cup Review


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*Ad- press tickets

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*Affiliate Links

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