How to Keep The Kids Entertained and Away From Technology This Summer?

flying kites
*Collaborative Post

It is not always easy to keep kids away from technology – with many exciting games and apps on their iPad or phone they can often want to sit inside and watch tv or play online games. Parents need no lecturing on the negative effects this can have on their health. Here are some ways in which you can keep your child busy and active this summer, enjoying the fresh air and making memories that they will remember for years to come. Our favourite Ideas:

Build a kite

Why not be creative and try to encourage your child to build their own kite? Not only can this be as difficult or as easy as you want to make it, they can spend an afternoon decorating – you could even set up a kite making contest between friends! Once they have decorated and made their kite, go with them to a large outdoor space and try flying them and see who has made the best one! You could even get a small treat for the winner.

Let them have a water balloon fight

Some of our favourite childhood memories have been water fights – this is a great way to get them outside and let kids be kids! They will soon dry off in the sun, and if you purchase reusable water balloons you can enjoy this activity in a way that is good for the environment. And why not get involved yourself? After all, everyone loves a water fight!

Encourage them to build a fort in the garden

Why not suggest to your children that they build their own fort in the garden, that they can spend time in with friends or simply just relax and read a book in? You can get them everything they need, from fairy lights to blankets and cushions – you might be surprised what you already have in your home they could use! 

Organise activities with the neighbours

This could be anything from a scavenger hunt to sharing bikes and scooters with others on the street. This is a great way to get them outside in a safe place that you can keep an eye on them, but it can also improve their social skills and encourage them to take responsibility for looking after other people’s belongings.

Help them make a bird feeder

Have a look in your garden and try to track any birds that are often close by. Research what food they eat, and try to make a bird feeder for them. Not only will this encourage your child to notice and care for wildlife, a bird feeder can last for years and it is a great thing to keep in the garden and admire for years to come!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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