Inspirational Stories Week One: Maja Chudzik- Vitality Strategist

inspirational stories week one written across book

Inspirational stories: Many of us have them but may not even realise how important they truly are or are too modest to shout it from the roof-tops. Successes should be shared and enjoyed, especially when certain hurdles or obstacles have had to be overcome to get there. Your story could help others reach their full potential. For this reason, I wanted to find some truly inspiring people who have a story that needs to be told. Each week I will bring you a different story with a different angle but one that you will just have to read.

This week’s story comes from Maja Chudzik who runs her health, fitness and wellness business ‘Vitality Strategist’.


6 years ago I was the woman on the left. And this is not at my worse. Today I am the woman on the right. As the woman on the left, I convinced myself I was happy as I was, that it didn’t matter what I looked like, that what’s on the inside counts.

I was right but not in the way you think. What was on the inside did count. My head was a mess because even though I knew I wasn’t healthy, I couldn’t stop myself eating two bags of crisps in one sitting. Not because I was hungry, because I felt empty.

My insides were stressed because of my weight and being unhappy with not being able to be active with my children; I didn’t have the energy. I was also stressed because my older son had severe allergies and I didn’t have a clue how to help him.

My organs were under pressure because they were surrounded by fat, so health issues started to creep in. As much as I have always loved my children I wasn’t doing the best for them. For the sake of crisps and being too busy, I was putting myself at risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes and my kids having a sick mum.

Inside I was a mess and outside was a reflection of that. Yet I kept living in denial.

One day, aged 39, I got fed up of feeling fed up. I decided I wanted to have a six-pack and although that wasn’t the best reason to get started, it was a start. I bought ‘Insanity’ and that first workout almost killed me!… I kept going. I began to stumble upon few health issues which led me to start working with a health coach. They taught me the difference between calories intake and nutrition dense food and altered the way I saw food. As I got fitter and healthier I realised that looking good wasn’t making me FEEL better. Why? Because I still didn’t think I was enough. At this stage, I decided to work with a coach on my mindset.

My whole journey has taken me down the road to setting up my own business as a Vitality Strategist and helping other mums to reach top mental and physical shape.

It is for this reason I work with clients in the way I do. It’s never about size. It’s never about the six-pack. It is all about health and self-love. It’s about loving yourself and putting yourself first. It’s about you being enough.

We cannot pour from an empty cup. As mum’s, we often put ourselves last. We tell our children that they can be or do anything but we show them that we don’t believe that ourselves! How can we expect them to believe they are the master of their destiny when we can’t even master the time to eat well? It is my mission in life to help mums become who they want to be and leave a legacy for their children. If I can do it aged 39 – anyone can.

I work with mums in business:

  • Who are fed up of feeling like crap every day and who don’t have the energy to enjoy their children and run their business.
  • Who are unhappy with what they see in the mirror, wondering where the old them has gone.
  • Women who are fed up of making excuses as to why they haven’t lost their pregnancy weight.

So if you are a mum in business and are ready to make a change and ready to put yourself first, I am here.

Do you want more energy to be the best mum and businesswoman you can be?

Do you want to learn how to eat for YOUR body type to fit in with YOUR routine?

Do you want step-by-step guidance and around the clock support to help you reach your health goals, without having to spend hours in the kitchen?

What are you waiting for?

Having a fantastic body and health and nutrition coaching isn’t just for celebrities. Why shouldn’t you have the lifestyle you want? You work hard to provide for your family. Now it’s your turn to be looked after.

Forget the old you. Start working on the new you.

my signature

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