Nursery Makeover: Nautical Themed Canvas Pictures

nursery makeover, canvas pictures

We have decided that the theme for the nursery is going to be a nautical one which immediately set me off creating Pinterest boards to get some fab ideas. After having recently updated Jake’s room and adding my own personal touch of digger and trucks canvasses I knew I had to do the same for the baby.

diggers and trucks on canvas pictures

I already had the acrylic paints and brushes from the last time so all I needed were the blank canvasses again. I found the last lot in Home Bargains but I have also seen them on sale in other shops. The set I bought this time are again from Home Bargains but are much thicker in size which, if I’m honest, gives them a nicer look and it also seemed to be a better quality canvas than the first set.

I began by planning out what design I wanted on each canvas. I already knew there would be an anchor but set off on the internet to look up different boat ideas. It was quite easy to select from the images available and once I had printed them off and cut them out I had my free templates!

templates on canvasses

I drew around these in pencil to give me the basic shape and outline ready to add the paint to.

pencil drawings on canvasses

As you can see, I am not the most artistic of people… actually far from it but I always like to give things a go myself as you will read in other blogs on the nursery makeover. I just think that the personal touch gives a nicer feel to a home and it is also fun to have some hobbies to keep you busy/help with nesting whilst you are waiting for your new arrival.

The painting side is definitely the tricky bit but luckily these shapes were much easier than the ones I chose for Jake. I carefully selected my colours and decided to go with the same on the two boats so they all tied in well. The great thing about the painting is that it can be easy to carefully correct mistakes with the right type of brushes. I would also recommend picking a time when you are relaxed and can concentrate fully on this. Watching TV in the evenings whilst painting was the best way for me. Plus, I thought if I go wrong it wouldn’t break the bank to go out and buy more canvasses and starting over.

painting a boat

After tidying up the messy edges, giving all the areas a second or even third coat to get the best coverage I finished my nautical themed canvas pictures in just a few days.

nautical themed canvas pictures

I think they are going to look great up on the wall once the room is completed.

my signature

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