How much washing people do has been a bit of a topical point on social media just recently hasn’t it? And it all started with the stories of people using their towels just once and then washing them. I was left speechless. Was this really a thing? Do people truly believe that wiping down a clean body with a clean towel then makes it dirty? I mean, surely it is just such proof that society has gone germ mad? We wash clothes far too often, Dettol sell a product that claims to remove 99% bacteria from your clothes in the machine, you can buy chemically based products to rid your machine of these germs and it is encouraging the public to really believe that everything is covered in germs that must be banished!! But what are the effects of these actions?
Continue reading “How To Drastically Reduce Your Wash Loads Each Week”Tag: housework

How To Spring Clean Cheap And Fast
*Collaborative Post
Statistics tell us that on average, most people in the UK will spend 11 long hours cleaning their homes for spring. Although it seems for some, it is normal to dedicate entire weeks to the process, with some people looking to create entire transformations in time for the sunnier, fresher weather heading our way.
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