massage table for self-care

Why I Need to be a Little More Selfish

Just recently I’ve noticed that life has once again got on top of me. It’s funny because around this time last year I finally fully acknowledged the fact that I had been struggling emotionally and mentally for far too long and I secretly booked myself in for counselling. It went really well and turned out to be one of the best things I could have done for myself (I think everyone could benefit from this type of self-care). I don’t want to go into full details here as it will cause this post to go off on a tangent (as I often do!) but if you want to find out more on this topic you can read about my counselling journey here.

Anyway, back to now and my problems aren’t quite as deep or big but are tied to the fact that I never actually do anything for me.

Continue reading “Why I Need to be a Little More Selfish”
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