totsbots easyfit reusable nappies and wet bag and changing mat

Review | New Elements Easyfit Reusable Nappies by Totsbots

*Gifted Reusable Nappies

Reusable nappies have become a passion of mine (something you may have noticed!) Since making the swap in June last year I have gradually built up a stash big enough to wave goodbye to single-use nappies for good, I have talked about the ease of the switch and have tried my best to spread the word that reusable nappies are the way forward for our environment. However, the benefits of changing aren’t all about being eco-friendly. We have discovered that William is far more comfortable in reusables, that he never gets nappy rash and that we are saving ourselves a lot of money in long-run. If that isn’t enough to tempt you just yet, perhaps the designs will?! Have you SEEN today’s reusable nappies?

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