teething baby chewing its cot

Why I Think The Canines Are The Worst Teeth To Cut

When we talk about teething (and yes, I do talk about it an awful lot!) we quite often hear how bad certain ones are and people usually go straight to the molars. Yes, I agree that the molars are bad and yep they do seem to rumble for a long time which can cause a lot of upset before they actually rear their ugly heads BUT for me, the canines are the worst teeth to cut and this is why…

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Review: Teething Solutions with Amber Pumpkin

Teething has to be one of the worst parts of having a baby. It can begin from the moment they are born and last for three years, what other development stage lasts that long?! With the experience of having an early teether the first time around, I knew I would have my work cut out for me the second time around too. Four years have passed since Jake went through it all so I knew the teething remedy world would have moved on since then. So, I have been prepared. I have stocked up on the usual medicinal remedies and have been keeping my eye on the newest teether aids coming onto the market. And I was right, William is also an early teether, almost right on par with Jake and showing all the same early signs of chewing, gnawing, dribbling and screaming with pain. I just hope I can find a solution much faster this time and with the help of Amber Pumpkin I have already started.

Continue reading “Review: Teething Solutions with Amber Pumpkin”
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Teething: It’s Just as Bad The Second Time Around!
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I may have previously mentioned my hate of teething in my blog posts... and in my book! I remember during Read more

Teething is NOT a Myth!
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As you know, a teething baby is hard work at bedtime. The pain tends to wake them more often, their Read more

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Teething: It’s Just as Bad The Second Time Around!

I may have previously mentioned my hate of teething in my blog posts… and in my book! I remember during Jake’s teething time, being immersed in this world of pain, sleepless nights, dribble, sickness and unhappiness (both of us) yet somehow, I blocked it out. It may have taken 2 years but I had finally left the teething stress behind. I guess it’s a bit like childbirth, isn’t it? They say women forget it quickly which is why they go on to have more children, otherwise, no one would! Well, I have hit that point with teething. It’s back, I had forgotten how bad it could be and it is all coming flooding back, urghhhhh…

Continue reading “Teething: It’s Just as Bad The Second Time Around!”
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Coping When Your Six Year Old Starts Teething (again!)

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