When we talk about teething (and yes, I do talk about it an awful lot!) we quite often hear how bad certain ones are and people usually go straight to the molars. Yes, I agree that the molars are bad and yep they do seem to rumble for a long time which can cause a lot of upset before they actually rear their ugly heads BUT for me, the canines are the worst teeth to cut and this is why…
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13 Natural Teething Remedies to Help Your Baby
Are you in the throes of teething? I am, for the second time… sigh. He only has 2 at the moment but the top two are coming through at exactly the same time and they are driving both me and him mad! There are so many remedies on the market and yet teething continues to be an issue because you probably won’t find that just one product will help. Medicines, gels, powders, toys, rings, natural remedies, old wives’ tales, endless advice from others… It can become overwhelming and even more so when you are sleep deprived and worn out from trying your best to calm your baby down. It can be a case of trial and error to work out exactly what works for your little one but once you get that balance right between medicines and natural teething remedies, you will start to crack it.
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Teething is NOT a Myth!
Believe it or not, there are a certain amount of health practitioners out there who have claimed that teething pain does not exist. That teething is, in fact, a myth. Whilst researching for my book I came across articles that claimed every symptom parents’ have ever reported, over hundreds of years, are not linked to teething, that children get approximately 20 viral infections in their first couple of years and coincidentally they get 20 teeth, so we are mistaking teething for colds and that most of the signs are in fact made up in our own minds. According to some dentists, teething pain doesn’t even exist… tell that to the next adult who complains about their wisdom teeth.
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Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them
Teething was the bane of my life. Jake started to show teething signs at 6 weeks of age and started to cut them at 5 months. People may tell you they are too young but this isn’t true, did you know that a baby can be born with teeth?! His earliest teething symptoms were the typical dribbling and chewing but as each new tooth rumbled we began to identify others, some of which were a little bizarre. I talk about 22 teething symptoms in my book but for this article, I have picked just a selection which should help you to identify and learn how to deal with the ones you may well be seeing in your baby.
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