my pregnancy, a different ball game the second time around

Why Pregnancy is a Whole New Ball Game The Second Time Around

Remember your first pregnancy? All those people telling you to take it easy? Never being able to lift anything bigger than a kettle without somebody jumping in? Being able to nap at any given moment and sleeping through the night? If only pregnancy was the same the second time around.

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The Side of Pregnancy You Aren’t Always Told About

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When we envisage pregnancy we imagine those stereotypical pregnancy symptoms of a glowing face, a blooming bump and having to eat for 2. I found that I was very naive about what pregnancy could actually entail and I still feel that a lot of areas are not discussed enough or if they are it isn’t in the appropriate detail that we need. We have come through times where talking about personal issues is a no-no but I feel we are now in a society where we want the information, where we need to hear the truth and want to be far more prepared for what will happen during pregnancy, birth and when the baby arrives. It is time to speak out about those unexpected pregnancy symptoms and shed a light on the areas that may be a little embarrassing or even debilitating during those nine months.

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