I started my periods way back when I was around 11/12 and yet what has recently astounded me is that I have gone around for the last 25 years or so not knowing that cloth sanitary pads were a thing. I have spent how much?! Oh, god, I don’t want to know, just imagine… I may cry, I may actually cry, PLUS I have sent god knows how much plastic, chemical-filled waste to landfill or incineration (pass the bucket). I honestly not only feel sick from all of this but I also feel completely and utterly cheated.
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Why There Needs to be More Awareness of Group B Strep
Group B Strep.
It’s one of those words I remembered hearing during my first pregnancy but it wasn’t ever something I asked more about and it certainly wasn’t something that was ever explained to me. As that pregnancy was straightforward I had no concerns that the next would be any different… I couldn’t have been more wrong.
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Maternity Wear: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
*Gifted Product
I have such a love-hate relationship with maternity wear. Don’t you find that there is such a gap in the market? We start to gain water and weight from before 12 weeks yet all the maternity wear is aimed at the size you are from around 7 months. Nothing fits from your normal wardrobe and you end up traipsing the shops for the very limited range of maternity clothes available to you. ‘Oh you can buy it online’ you hear time and time again but I don’t always want to buy online, I want to go into a shop, look at the sizes and try them on! And why are the styles mostly floaty, high necked, v-necked and with unflattering cut sleeves? Pregnant women are still the same people and even though their bodies change their tastes and fashion sense don’t; we want to feel like us as much as we can!
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It Is OK To Hate Pregnancy
On Friday Chanelle Hayes (reality TV star) went on This Morning to discuss her pregnancy. Having suffered with weight gain, loss and gain again, as well as having polycystic ovaries, it was a surprise to her that she fell pregnant so easily and she has subsequently been on a few of these types of magazine shows to talk about her life… whether you are interested or not! However, this interview was slightly different.
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The Side of Pregnancy You Aren’t Always Told About
*Contains an ad
When we envisage pregnancy we imagine those stereotypical pregnancy symptoms of a glowing face, a blooming bump and having to eat for 2. I found that I was very naive about what pregnancy could actually entail and I still feel that a lot of areas are not discussed enough or if they are it isn’t in the appropriate detail that we need. We have come through times where talking about personal issues is a no-no but I feel we are now in a society where we want the information, where we need to hear the truth and want to be far more prepared for what will happen during pregnancy, birth and when the baby arrives. It is time to speak out about those unexpected pregnancy symptoms and shed a light on the areas that may be a little embarrassing or even debilitating during those nine months.
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Be You, Try Something New and Unite On International Women’s Day
Every 8th March is marked by International Women’s Day. A day for women to stand up and unite, a day for them to remind themselves that they do count and that they can do or be anything they want, a day to remind ourselves of everything women have done before us to achieve rights and equality. On this day I want to talk about and celebrate all of the amazing women I know or have recently met. Women who are inspiring,
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10 Endometriosis Facts That Sufferers Want You To Know About
Before I begin I want to say that I am not an endometriosis sufferer. I am, however, directly affected by this disease because my sister was diagnosed with it 4 years ago. I have witnessed the condition taking its effect on her body over the years. I have seen her in pain and discomfort. I have supported her through 5 operations and seen it take so much from her but then watched as she has battled back… more so in the last year.
The disease itself is a frustrating one.
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