Why Renting A Party House Is A Must For Your Hen Party

*Collaborative Post
When it comes to hen parties most people these days really try and make the most out of it all and extending the do over a weekend or even a week has become a popular choice. Back when I got married, I opted for a regular one night stay over in a hotel but having since attended other hen dos I can see that a hen party house is a far better option, especially if you have a large group, a variety of ages, a mixture of friends plus family and this is why…
A Wide Choice of Venues
When searching for your perfect venue you will quickly see that there is a wide choice of Hen Party Houses available across the UK from country cottage to a city apartment, townhouses and luxurious homes to converted barns, there really is something for everyone. The joy of having all of these options means that you can cater to all of your guests’ needs as well as your own and find a location that will make your hen party one to remember.

Great Deals
When organising a hen Party one of the biggest details is budget. Not only do you want to have a fabulous time, but you also want everyone you love to be able to afford to come and this can be where things can get a bit tricky. Talking money with friends and family is a bit of a cringe moment, isn’t it? I know from going on a previous hen party that it brought up a few issues and when those are going on via messages it can be easy to get wires crossed… to say the least! One thing we all want to be able to do is to find a venue that will a.) be affordable b.) be worth the money and c.) work out cheaper than the option of going for a hotel. In most cases, you will find that a hen party house will provide you with all of these because the cost will be split between x amount of people, you won’t have the add ons that a hotel may include such as meals and because the choices available online are so vast (as I mentioned above) you should be able to find a great deal that won’t break the bank and will keep everybody happy.
Bringing Your Guests Together
When I had my hen party, we stayed in a pretty run down hotel. We only had a few rooms to share between us all and there wasn’t anywhere communal for us to meet/socialise in. It meant that we relied on knocking on doors or sending text messages to keep in touch. It also made it difficult for those who didn’t know one another to get that chance to connect. The only time they could was when we were out doing an activity or when we went to the bars. It would have been far nicer if we’d had more time to all just chat and make friends and this is where a party house is a step above a hotel. With communal living areas, a kitchen, possibly spa and pool or large gardens there will be plenty of places for your guests to meet and talk and really get to know one another.
Number Of Rooms
Not everybody will be happy to share, so choosing a hen party house based on the number of guests going needs to be well thought about. When selecting your online options on sites such as partyhouses.co.uk, make a plan about who can share and use this to calculate how many rooms you will require. Your guests need to feel comfortable and happy and if that means just going for a house with one extra room then that can be easily done. The joy of this is that even though at times people may be apart, they will still come together in the communal areas so there is no isolation like there can be if you book a hotel room.

No matter how much fun you’re having, no matter how good friends you all are, you still need your own space and a party house will give you that. When searching for your perfect venue, remember to also think about who would want to share a bedroom and who may want a room of their own, look at how many communal rooms there are and whether there’s one that could be for quiet, chill out time. Perhaps a house with a garden would benefit some of your guests? Hen parties can be so much fun but at the same time, they can be overwhelming, especially if one guest doesn’t know anybody else. These may all be your friends and family but don’t forget that personalities will differ and some will love company all of the time and some will just need some space to relax in, something that a large house will provide.
Freedom To Come And Go
The joy of renting a hen party house is the freedom it gives you all to come and go as and when you need. You won’t have to worry about making it down for breakfast in time, you won’t have to get out for housekeeping and you certainly won’t have to think about the time and disturbing other guests when you stumble back in! The house is yours to treat is and how you want (within reason of course!) Perhaps some of you will want to pop out for a walk whilst others will want to chill by the outdoor pool? Some may want to catch up on some sleep and others may want to watch a bit of telly. The party house gives you all of these options which will make it far more relaxed than you would be if you stayed in a hotel with set meal times and rules.
Party Activities
Moving onto the important aspects of a hen party, the activities! I mean this is what most people are here for, aren’t they? The games, the laughter, the drinks, the cocktail making masterclass, the naked butler?… Your hen party house is the perfect place to hire a team of entertainers, party planners, to have your meals delivered to and so on, meaning you can all enjoy the party and not have to worry about how you’ll be getting back to your room at the end of the night.

So there we have it, hen party houses, the pathway to a fantastic hen do that everybody will love and remember.

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.