The Ideal Finishing Touches For Boys’ Bedrooms

The ideal finishing touches for boys' bedrooms
*Collaborative Post

Updating my home has become quite a hobby for me now and my latest projects have certainly kept me busy. I love looking at themes and making my house a home and this extends to every room in the house. We have recently added new touches to Jake’s room because he still had the nursery look and we felt it was time to give him a toddler room. Now his room is completed I have now turned my attention to the nursery ready for

my next little arrival and my nesting instincts have definitely taken over! Yet just because one room is finished and the other is underway it doesn’t mean I’m done looking for items that could be added now or in the future and I have found five amazing items to add to my wishlist.

Here are my finishing touches for boys’ bedrooms


As Jake grows he will probably want a new bed or it may be that his current one will be passed on to his little brother and then he will require a new one. Room to Grow’s range of mid sleeper beds are all so much fun and practical that it was hard to choose but I eventually decided upon this Stompa Rondo Classic Cabin Bed:

bed for boys room

I love the fact that it has extra storage and that it has a side shelf acting as a bedside table. Jake always wakes for a drink in the night and at the moment we have to leave this on the floor for him which means he has to get out of bed. If he could have all he needs at arms reach it would make it much easier for him.


As Jake is big into trucks, diggers, tractors and bin lorries I am always keeping my eyes peeled for items that could go with his new look room. This digger duvet set is right up his street:



I have been searching the internet for an appropriate teepee for the boys to have and play in as they grow. I can imagine them having hours of fun role-playing and hiding away inside one. This dinosaur style is perfect as this is another thing Jake is into big time. I can just see him pretending to be Andy from Andy’s dinosaur adventures in this one:


Table and Chairs

Dinner time can always be an issue for us. Jake battles sitting at the table and prefers to be on the sofa in front of the telly. I do have a little table I can put in front of him but when I have two little boys I need a solution for them both. A small table and chairs set would be perfect for them both to sit at in the living room and I am hoping that by eating together we will eradicate some of Jake’s fussiness. This vehicle themed set is just right to help encourage them both to sit and enjoy their meals:

table and chair


A great finishing touch to Jake’s room would be a grown-up beanbag. As his room already has green on the walls this style below would match perfectly and be a useful extra seat for when he is old enough to have friends over:

Now to save up to complete my ideal look!

my signature

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

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