Do you know when you are the most perfect parent? Before you have kids, that’s when!! When you imagine how life with a teeny baby will be. You picture yourself looking lovingly down at your baby at 3 am, being able to go for brunch with all of your Mummy friends and not hearing a peep out of your little one, thinking you will have all that time on your hands to bake homemade goodies for them…
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Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas From For First Steps
Christmas is just around the corner and if you are anything like me, you will be starting to wonder what to buy for all of the little people in your life. Not only do I have children of my own but I also have nieces and nephews, friends children and cousins to think of for birthdays as well as Christmas. But what do you get that will mean something, that will last and will be appreciated by the parents too? I know I certainly do not need any more plastic toys piling up in my living room and I am very wary of spending money on fad items that will only get played with a couple of times and then tossed to one side (we all know that feeling!)
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The Benefits Of Developing Your Child’s Skills From An Early Age
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Every parent wants the absolute best for their child, but sometimes it’s hard to find the balance between looking after them and challenging them. Puzzles, projects and sport for kids can all go a long way in preparing them for the future, but how do you make sure you’re not pushing them too hard? To help you out with this little dilemma, here are some tips on why it might be worth developing your child’s skills through fun, stimulating activities, even from an early age.
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Essential Adulting Lessons You Need To Teach Your Kids
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The truism that the hardest job is being a parent has never been more relevant than now. Raising our kids to become well-adjusted adults in a time of unstable digital economy, the pressures of social media and time of rising anxiety and bad mental health among teens is a worrying prospect. It’s understandable to want to wrap your children in cotton wool and shield them from the world.
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When Should I Encourage my Baby to Socialise?
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Socialisation is an important part of life that has the power to open doors, allows us to make new friends and generally communicate with one and other, but do you remember when you first began to socialise? The chances are that you don’t because, believe it or not, babies begin to socialise from the very first month in this world.
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Mummy Can We Pleeeeeease Get A Dog? (Considerations Before You Say Yes)
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It’s a request that most parents have heard at some point – can we get a dog?! Yes, it’s when the kids realise that dogs aren’t just pets that other people have, but that they could get one in their very own home too. Of course, it’s a tough question to answer from the parents’ side of things, because it’s not only about giving your child a cute new canine best friend. Luckily, I have outlined some of the things to consider before getting a dog. Read on to find out more.
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Our Visit to Little Play Town
The weather has been less than Spring-like recently (to say the least) and as most of our usual indoor activities had been exhausted we found ourselves at a bit of a loss over what to do the other day. Then I remembered hearing about a new play place in Odiham, Hampshire. A friend had highly recommended that we visit Little Play Town because her children had such a great time so I set about looking it up online.
Little Play Town is an indoor interactive play place for babies and children aged 1-6 years. It is very similar to Little Street in that it is a role-based, learning, play area focused on imaginative play but with different equipment and sections. As we really enjoyed visiting Little Street I knew we would love this place too.
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