As you all know, I have become far more eco-conscious over the last two years and as I continue to research more areas it has become very apparent that there are an awful lot of things that we all do every single day that has an impact on our planet. Whether that’s waste, plastic pollution, CO2 emissions, chemicals from products, animal testing… It seems never-ending. I have so far made many a swap, a lifestyle change and even more recently a diet change (I went vegetarian in January) but there is one environmental issue that is hanging over me like a big black cloud and it feels that way because I know it is something I could never stop doing and that’s flying.
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Vacations with an Elderly Parent
*Collaborative Post
Travelling with an elderly parent can come with some real challenges, but it can also be very rewarding. Vacations are a great way of bonding closer together and providing your loved ones with amazing memories. By including your parent or parents in your vacation plans, you get to give them a real sense of belonging, and for the elderly, isolation and loneliness can be very real worries. While there are plenty of reasons why bringing your parents on vacation is a good idea, there are some potential barriers to tackle.
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What Can I Expect When Flying with a Baby?
This is probably the most common question I googled prior to our family holiday this year; ‘What can I expect when flying with a baby?’ I had no idea. I didn’t know if it would be a hassle manoeuvring my way through the airport, I didn’t know if the baby would sleep or scream, I didn’t know how the other passengers would react and so on.
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Top Tips For Keeping Your Luggage Weight Down When Travelling With Children
So, we made it to our destination but it wasn’t without a little trouble with our luggage at check-in. We knew we were going to be over, it was inevitable in our eyes. I mean, we have 2 children, 1 being a baby and we were coming away for 2 weeks. We had only been allocated 15 kg per person and I know what I’m like for overpreparing and packing for every possible scenario. I just can’t help myself,
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Flying with a Baby Checklist
We are about to embark on our very first holiday abroad with a baby. We first took Jake aged 2 and even though he was still in nappies, he had far fewer needs. As long as he had toys, games and stickers he was a happy boy! So, this year he is 4 and the tablet is probably going to be played the entire time (if he has his way!) but William is just 5 months which has made me feel a little more anxious. But to combat this I have done my research and this is my flying with a baby checklist:
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The Experience of Taking a Toddler Abroad
If you follow my blog and facebook page you will be aware that we recently travelled to Zante for a two week holiday to watch my sister get married. Taking a toddler abroad was one experience we hadn’t wanted to do until he was a little bit older as we were concerned about taking him on plane being so young, we were unsure on how he would cope in the heat, we were reluctant to let the routine go out the window and, mostly, we had slightly selfish reasons because we felt we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the beach as we used to when we were child-free!
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