maternity wear

Maternity Wear: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

*Gifted Product

I have such a love-hate relationship with maternity wear. Don’t you find that there is such a gap in the market? We start to gain water and weight from before 12 weeks yet all the maternity wear is aimed at the size you are from around 7 months. Nothing fits from your normal wardrobe and you end up traipsing the shops for the very limited range of maternity clothes available to you. ‘Oh you can buy it online’ you hear time and time again but I don’t always want to buy online, I want to go into a shop, look at the sizes and try them on! And why are the styles mostly floaty, high necked, v-necked and with unflattering cut sleeves? Pregnant women are still the same people and even though their bodies change their tastes and fashion sense don’t; we want to feel like us as much as we can!

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