We are an outdoorsy family, always have been. We have always had a dog, we love long walks, we love going to the beach or the woods and being out in the garden. However, even though we enjoy all of this we most certainly aren’t kitted out in all the up to date must-haves outdoor gear, in fact, one of my favourite coats is 11 years old and from a well-known high street store and only cost me £20. For me, getting outdoors is vital but spending a fortune to do so isn’t so here are my 9 tips for getting outdoor gear on a budget.
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Feelin’ Fresh: Updating Your Outdoor Space, Even Though It’s Chilly
*Collaborative Post
You might be thinking that being outside and updating your garden in the winter is the last thing you want to be doing, however, each season brings plenty of reasons to get out and enjoy this space you have, no matter how many layers you need to wear to stay warm. The change in the leaves, scenery and wildlife can all bring the perfect opportunity for beautiful photos and provide you with an environment where you can clear your head with plenty of fresh air. It’s currently the festive season and with New Year’s Eve just around the corner, it’s a great excuse for a winter BBQ and to get your besties over for an evening of frolics. It’s time to stockpile the blankets, gloves, and scarves, and begin planning how you’re going to make more of your outdoor space and updating your garden, whatever the weather.
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5 Hacks To Open up Your Outdoor Space and Glam up Your Garden
*Collaborative Post
When the sun is shining everybody wants to hang out in the garden and enjoy a warm evening outside. You haven’t given your garden much love and attention for several years now, but you know it is time to create a lush outdoor garden space for summer. There are many ways you can approach a project like this, you just need to spend some time exploring your options. Whether you are hoping to make a huge impact with a new rooftop garden or make a small tweak by adding beautiful flowers, you can finally have the garden of your dreams this summer.
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