We are an outdoorsy family, always have been. We have always had a dog, we love long walks, we love going to the beach or the woods and being out in the garden. However, even though we enjoy all of this we most certainly aren’t kitted out in all the up to date must-haves outdoor gear, in fact, one of my favourite coats is 11 years old and from a well-known high street store and only cost me £20. For me, getting outdoors is vital but spending a fortune to do so isn’t so here are my 9 tips for getting outdoor gear on a budget.
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Money Manage Your Way To Becoming A Stay At Home Mom
*Collaborative Post
There are too many reasons to list why becoming a stay at home mom (or dad) is a great choice to make, but let’s take a shot at a few!
- It means you don’t miss your kids’ milestones, and your children get to spend valuable time with the person they love the most.
- You don’t have to fork out for expenses on travelling to and from work, uniforms and lunches.
- Also, it means you have some freedom and flexibility to organise your day how you see fit without a strict working regime.

How We Are Saving More Money as a Family
*Collaborative Post
Now that our family has grown we have had to have a long hard look at how we are spending our well-earned cash. We have always tried our best to do what was needed in order to provide for Jake but we all know that a second baby brings more clothing, classes, food and so on which has meant that we have had to reassess everything that we purchase and payout for, and do you know what? Simple changes can make a huge difference. Here’s how we are saving more money as a family:
Continue reading “How We Are Saving More Money as a Family”