Before I had William, I had a bit of a think about how I wanted to do some things differently with my second baby,9 to be specific and these included trying more classes, not listening to others’ comments, giving baby-led weaning a go, mastering expressing, breastfeeding for longer, amongst others. Well, he is now 18 months old so I thought I would do a follow-up post on what I have done differently with my second child that have worked because if I had known some of these things the first time around, I would have had an easier time and less stress I’m sure. Continue reading “7 Things I’ve Done Differently With My Second Child That REALLY Have Worked”
Tag: second child
10 Things I’ve Learnt Since Becoming a Mum Again
Having your first baby is a huge learning curve. The nappies, the sleepless nights, breastfeeding, teething, weaning, learning to leave the house with the biggest bag packed full of items to prepare you for every possible circumstance. You cry, you laugh, you wonder why you did it one minute and the next you are beaming with pride… it’s a funny old time but you get there. The first year passes and your tiny baby gradually turns into an actual little person and then you have all sorts of other areas to contend with; toddler anyone?! Tantrums, potty training, why Mummy but why’s?!
And then you decide to do it all over again… Continue reading “10 Things I’ve Learnt Since Becoming a Mum Again”
Will My Breastfeeding Journey Be Different With My Next Child?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how this baby will differ from my first and one of the biggest questions I have is whether I will find the breastfeeding journey the same? With Jake, I had no issues. Once I was ready to hold him after my c-section, the midwife placed him just below my breast and Jake quickly snuffled around and moved himself to my nipple and happily began to feed. I often heard stories from other Mums Continue reading “Will My Breastfeeding Journey Be Different With My Next Child?”
When are you having another one?
I have noticed that, since having a baby, one question has cropped up practically from day one and as time has gone on it has been asked much more frequently; “when are you having another one?” Sometimes it is phrased: is it time for the next one? or About time you had another one, but each time it is said I swear I cringe even more. I understand that Continue reading “When are you having another one?”