We made it to a year of breastfeeding and I just want to celebrate that fact. I listed making it to a year as one of my 9 things I wanted to do differently with my second child in this post mostly because I loved breastfeeding Jake and was so upset when we had to give up due to him biting (and drawing blood!) I don’t know why else a year was in my mind, I guess it just felt like a big accomplishment especially with breastfeeding rates being so low in this country.
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How Different Breastfeeding Positions Can Help with Feeding Your Baby
When it comes to breastfeeding, most of us automatically picture a woman cradling her baby across her body to feed. Yes, this is the usual position but have you ever considered how other positions could benefit you and your baby? If you are struggling with a latch, aching from holding your little one too much in the same place, your baby has Colic and is griping with pain and so on, you may find a solution in my list of breastfeeding positions below.
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Why Support in Breastfeeding is Essential in Improving our Rates
Breastfeeding, love it or hate it, do it or don’t, argue online or really don’t see the point in the debate, no matter what your stance is it always gets a rise doesn’t it?
If I’m completely honest with you (and I always am!), I’m pretty bored of the breast versus formula saga and it was only last year I wrote a post on why I couldn’t understand the controversy that surrounds breastfeeding your baby so this year I want to speak out about why
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Will My Breastfeeding Journey Be Different With My Next Child?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how this baby will differ from my first and one of the biggest questions I have is whether I will find the breastfeeding journey the same? With Jake, I had no issues. Once I was ready to hold him after my c-section, the midwife placed him just below my breast and Jake quickly snuffled around and moved himself to my nipple and happily began to feed. I often heard stories from other Mums
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Breastfeeding- Why All The Controversy?
This week is World Breastfeeding Week and even though I have seen plenty of amazing articles from bloggers who have shared their stories, offered advice and support and, as always, have shown this stage of Motherhood in its true light I have still been left infuriated by the usual debates, arguments and ignorance that have cropped up all over social media. The worst for me has to be the fact that at the start of the week I kept seeing an article asking if we should be calling it world feeding week?
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