This week is World Breastfeeding Week and even though I have seen plenty of amazing articles from bloggers who have shared their stories, offered advice and support and, as always, have shown this stage of Motherhood in its true light I have still been left infuriated by the usual debates, arguments and ignorance that have cropped up all over social media. The worst for me has to be the fact that at the start of the week I kept seeing an article asking if we should be calling it world feeding week?
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Parenting Ways: The Choice is Yours
These days there are so many different methods used to raise a child. We have those parents who work, the stay-at-home Mum/Dad, the attachment parents, the ones who love to do their crafts, the parents who bake, the hands-on parents, the sporty family, the ‘naughty step’ parents, the strict parents, the on
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Dressing For a New You
I don’t know about the rest of you but since becoming a Mother I have somewhat felt that I have lost my identity. I have been slowly drowning in baby paraphernalia, baby feeding, caring, nappy changes, weaning, teething, baby sick and feeling exhausted. It’s probably easily done in the first year but I am 2 1/2 years on and my days have been spent wearing the same jeans several times a week, grabbing the first top I see in my wardrobe and not noticing how worn out most of my clothes actually look.
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Review: Tropic Skincare
I have had a bad relationship with my skin since I was about 10 years old. It began with a few blackheads appearing on my nose and led to greasy skin, large pores and huge, red, painful spots. Cue years of teen angst, feeling self-conscious and trying every spot remedy available on the market.
I was brutal with my skin, through scrubbing, picking and squeezing spots to over-cleansing, steaming and exfoliating. With the lack of knowledge about skincare and the thought that my spots were generated by bacteria, I didn’t realise that I was actually doing more harm than good.
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Only You Know Your Baby Best
When you become pregnant you may buy a few books and try and read up on what will happen; you may naively think that a baby is simply ‘textbook'(yep, I am sure many of us have been there!) The baby then comes along and as you are trying to find your feet, cope with the sleepless nights and learn what your new little person needs, you will also be dealing with all those other bits of ‘advice’ being fired at you.
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Why Deny Love?
So, you have probably all heard the news in the last week about how we shouldn’t be kissing our children on the lips because one Psychologist says it is an erogenous zone and is too sexual. Yep, just breathe…WOW! Is what I thought when I read that. What type of mind do you have to have to think this in the first place?
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Picture Perfect on Social Media?
Images uploaded constantly on social media sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, can portray lives in such a way that you may begin to believe other people actually do have perfect lives, bodies, homes, children and pets… but it seems as though more and more people
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