Would a Blogger Workday Meetup Help With Your Productivity?

*Collaborative Post
Being a blogger comes with plenty of benefits– working from home, setting your own hours, working around the kids, freelance gigs, being your own boss, but one aspect that can be less than desirable is the fact that you are quite often alone and your ‘workmates’ are all online and are usually people you have never met and may never meet… But what if you did meet up? What if you found a midway meetup point for a blogger workday? Would this help with your productivity?
Here’s why I think a Blogger workday meetup would help
I think out of everything, the loneliness of working in your own from home is a big trigger for becoming low and of course, once you become low, your positivity and then productivity usually all goes out the window. Having somebody to talk to, to bounce off of, to laugh with, will help your mental health and hopefully your work. Being around like-minded people is a great way to help you to focus on growing your blog.
Some days blog content inspiration just doesn’t come. Having a person to brainstorm ideas with should get those juices flowing and could even end up leading to collaborative posts too!
One thing we always need at work is a bit of advice and blogging is no different. I often have to message a fellow blogger to ask for advice on rates, website issues, links, images, quotes etc. but if I had a team in front of me we could all gain from one another’s expertise and really share that knowledge around.
Photos are a big feature on any blogger’s website or Instagram account and unfortunately, we cannot all be pro’s at this and not everybody can own all of the equipment. A meeting would allow other bloggers to provide tips, layout ideas and even constructive feedback on others content. It would also be the opportunity to come together and bring props, backdrops, lighting and so on. Backdrops can play a huge role in any blog post and brands such as Fox backdrop help you capture the most valuable photos which will be hugely beneficial to any blogger.
Technical Help
let’s face it, we all become bloggers with very little technical experience and most of us have never owned a website before. Yet here we are trying to learn on the job, using Google to provide us with answers and spending a lot of time guessing and experimenting! It would be amazing to be able to sit down with other bloggers who may know a bit more about the technical side of things and have them physically show me how to do something on WordPress or Google Console rather than having to understand what they mean via a post or message. That way, the issues will get resolved far quicker leaving you to get on with the job at hand.
How To Go About Arranging a Meetup
You probably have a group of bloggers that you chat with daily. Ones who you now call friends and ones that you can trust. The only problem you may have is Geography! I have blogging friends who are scattered all over the country and meeting up with all of them is too difficult as it would involve overnight stays.
So, the first port of call is to work out who could meet at a midway point and when. It would be brilliant if you could get 5 or more bloggers to meetup because then you could have a really productive workday.
Next, you need to decide where to meet. A coffee shop may seem like a nice idea, especially if they have free WiFi but they can be noisy, distracting and aren’t set up for work meetings. It would be worth your while to look into short-term office spaces for let in your area to provide a flexible workspace solution for the day. A building that is geared up for work meetings and one that will provide you with everything you need, for example, a boardroom meeting table which will allow you to work at the right height, have space for your laptop, camera, phone etc. as well as being able to sit around and see one another. As well as comfortable chairs, a quiet atmosphere, possibly a tea and coffee machine and toilets. Perfect.
Lastly, I would make a plan for the day. Decide what areas you want to cover and what is important to discuss. Set up a timetable of the day including sessions, brainstorming time and writing time. It’ll help you to get the most out of your day.
So, what’s stopping you? Go out and get that blogger workday booked in and get your productivity back to it’s best!

*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.
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