a lady sat on a bed typing on a laptop

How I Increased My Organic Blog Traffic By Almost 400% In 6 Months

It’s not often that I blog about blogging and I am certainly no expert in it, but I have been working on increasing my organic blog traffic and I have actually had some really good results from doing so which I thought was well worth a share in order to help others. You see, I have wasted years ignoring SEO and relying on social media but all that does is make you work harder for it. If you only use a social media platform to gain views they are usually short-lived, you have to constantly promote your posts and if for whatever reason, your page gets removed or hacked, you have nothing to fall back on. Having a website that can draw in organic blog traffic is far more beneficial to you and you will soon discover that it is more worthwhile to work smarter over harder. So how do you increase organic blog traffic?

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