The Top 7 Tag

This top 7 tag has been created by One Frazzled Mum and I have been nominated by Renovation Bay-Bee. It’s a nice way to do a little round-up for 2018 and to have a positive post to start the year off.
If you would like to join in, this is all you need to do;
- Your Favourite 7 Posts from 2018. They can be any posts at all that you are proud of.
- 7 Things You Loved The Most About 2018. Whether you visited somewhere, or just had one of those moments you will never forget, if you loved it, list it!
- 7 Things You Are Looking Forward to in 2019. Whether those plans are set in stone or you something you would like to do this year, share with us.
- Tag 7 Bloggers to Take Part. Share the love and tag 7 others who would like to take part.
- Say Thanks. Link back to the person who tagged you and/or myself so people know where to find the tag to join in too.
So, let’s get started:
My Favourite 7 Posts from 2018
How Can You Support a Family With a Baby in NICU?
Ok, so it may not be the happiest of posts but it is certainly full of loads of helpful tips and it was shared far and wide thanks to the preemie support group I am apart of. You see, William was due in January 2018 but he actually arrived 8 weeks early so all that I wrote in here was still very raw, very significant to me and something which was important to get out there. Seeing somebody with a baby in a hospital can be tough and you may not know how best to treat the situation. I hope this article can really help others in the future.

Perfect Toys for Your Mini-Adventurers: A Wicked Uncle Review
I loved creating this because it was our first go at vlogging and we had such fun out in the woods messing about and making it. The YouTube video is in the blog post if you fancy a nosy.

Why We Are Changing to Cloth Nappies
This was a big change for us last year, the move from disposable nappies and wipes over to reusables. I wanted to make a change to help the environment, to reduce our waste and to prevent further damage to our world for the future of our children. I had the idea of changing when I was pregnant but due to William’s prematurity, we had no choice but to go with disposable as he was so tiny. Once I did the research, spoke to some other cloth Mums and worked it all out, I was set and I haven’t looked back. I love it!

Our Turtle Tots Brand Ambassadorship #bringonthesmiles
Being chosen as a Turtle Tots Brand Ambassador was probably one of my proudest moments since starting my blog. What began as a hobby has turned into something which brings me joy, an income, flexible working and amazing opportunities for my family. Out of everybody who applied I never dreamed I would be picked, but I was! It was so much fun from start to finish, so much so, that we have continued to swim with Turtle Tots after the ambassadorship ended. The highlight had to be making this vlog (in the article) to be able to look back and remember all we did.

How Different Breastfeeding Positions Can Help with Feeding Your Baby
I loved writing this post because it brought together a group of Mums who were more than happy to help with demonstrating how different positions can help. I just love it when we can all come together to help, offer advice and support other Mums.

What’s In My Teething Essentials Kit?
What can I say? I love talking about teething!!

Our first holiday as a family of 4 and we braved it abroad with a 5-month-old baby and 4 year old. I didn’t actually write about the holiday on the whole due to being very busy and very tired with William but I did manage to document one of our favourite trips and even did a vlog on this too.

7 Things I Loved About 2018
- Being home as a family after William came home from hospital in December ’17
- Our holiday to Crete
- Watching my premature baby go from strength to strength
- Watching the bond between the boys grow
- Watching Jake learning to bodyboard on our weekend away to Devon
- Plenty of fun days’ out with my family
- Celebrating William’s first birthday
7 Things I Am Looking Forward To In 2019
- Our holiday to Florida!
- Disneyworld!
- Being a better blogger
- Meeting bloggers I have spoken to online
- The holidays because since Jake has started school I have really missed him
- Trip to Wales
- Plenty of fun day’s out with my boys
7 Bloggers I Tag
Anna from The Popitha Twins
Lottie from The Haymans
Marie from Tummy2Mummy
Jo from Pickle and Poppet
Nikki from Yorkshire Wonders
Jenny from Accidental Hipster Mum
Jessica from Beauties and the Bibs