Beeutiful Vanilla Geranium Cleansing Balm Review

*Gifted Product
Beeutiful skincare is a brand that I came to love last year. I met Carly, the business owner, creator, beekeeper and skincare producer, at a networking event and I was blown away by her passion and drive.
100% natural handmade skincare products using beeswax & honey produced from our own or local bees. Our products are free from chemical nasties and all ingredients are carefully sourced for their skin enhancing, healing and therapeutic qualities. Products are not tested on animals & we only harvest that from the bee that does not harm them. To help support all things beekeeping we make regular donations from sales to the Friends of the Honeybee.
Beeutiful Website
If you have followed my blog for a while you will have already read my review of three of her other products: B-Balm, Body Candle and Lip Balm which all impressed me and I have continued to use them all since. So, I was over the moon when she asked me to become a brand ambassador for her business.
To kick-start this new collaboration I was asked to try out and review her Vanilla Geranium Cleansing Balm which arrived a couple of weeks ago.

The Vanilla Geranium Cleansing Balm Review
It states on the pot: “A soothing indulgent cleanser with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties whilst also providing long-lasting hydration”. Which I immediately knew would be amazing for my dehydrated skin. With ingredients including jojoba seed oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, vanilla and Grapefruit to name but a few, it is obvious that this is completely natural and bursting with nourishing oils.
My Skin
I have suffered from bad skin since before puberty. It began with a few blackheads and enlarged pores and then once in my teens the outbreaks began which plagued me until my 20’s. I tried every product under the sun which all claimed to remove the grease, dirt, reduce spots and imperfections and so on and on… What I didn’t realise was that my skin was actually dehydrated and I wasn’t helping it by stripping it of the oils it so desperately needed. Once you strip away the extra oils that your skin produces, it just produces more! So, by the end of a working day, I would be shiny, my makeup would be sliding off and my skin would look even worse. It wasn’t until I visited a spa and had a facial that I was informed that it wasn’t greasy skin I had, it was combination skin but also severely dehydrated. From then on I tried my best to use products which would feed my skin but life, Motherhood (that one is the biggie!) has always got in the way and I have fallen into bad habits of not drinking enough water and not always removing makeup before bed.
Yet, no matter what products I tried nothing has ever fully left my skin blemish-free or with an even tone.
First Impressions
As soon as I lifted the lid from the pot of the vanilla geranium cleansing balm I was greeted with the most amazing aroma. I hadn’t checked the price of this product prior to Carly sending it to me, so my initial thoughts were, wow this is luxury and luxury means a hefty price tag. I was so surprised when I discovered it costs £15 and not over £30 like I had imagined. I wish I could describe the scent to you, I think the only thing I can say is to think of those amazing aromas you get when you go for a spa day and have a massage or facial… basically all this in a little pot!
I could see straight away that the balm was going to be hydrating due to the texture.

Using the Vanilla Geranium Facial Balm
Now, I don’t think you really need much of it but I wanted to go all out and try to get my skin in tip-top condition as soon as I could so I have been applying quite a bit across my face and even on my neck once a day before bed. Just place on your fingertips and rub well all over dry skin (yes, dry) and then remove with the muslin cloth it comes with. It is so simple to use and afterwards I didn’t even feel the need to apply a moisturiser or night cream or even a toner. I went to bed with the residue still there because this could then work overnight… and it did! I have been waking up with super soft skin and over the course of two weeks, I have noticed more of a glow, smaller pores, fewer spots and a more even skin tone.
The Results
Now, I am super critical of my skin and I find it very hard to go out without any kind of cover-up on my worst areas (my pores on my nose are the bane of my life) so I was brave and took a before and after shot to try and show you my results. However, it is quite hard to fully see it in photos but I can assure you that when I look in the mirror I can definitely see the improvement and I am so happy with it.

Both of these images are makeup-free (the lighting is a little different as I was away in the before photo) but you can see how there is less shine, the tone is more even, you may be able to see my pores are better on my nose (please don’t look too hard!!) and I don’t think my skin looks quite as tired now.
I am so impressed with this little balm and am really happy to see changes happening to my skin. I will definitely be continuing with the use of this each night and scrapping a lot of my other products.
If you would like to find out more about Beeutiful and all of the other products they produce head on over to their website or you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

*I was gifted this product in exchange for a review. As always I am here to provide my honest thoughts and to provide you with all the appropriate information. For further details please refer to my disclosure page.
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