Tips For Helping Dehydrated ‘Mum’ Skin

selection of skincare for dehydrated skin

*Gifted Items- Brand Ambassador

My poor skin has always been dehydrated but add in being a Mum and it has more ups and downs than an episode of Eastenders! Throughout my teenage years, I suffered terribly with spots and blackheads and of course, tried out every single greasy skin remedy out there. Trouble was, I was making the issue worse because I was stripping my skin of the oils it so desperately needed, causing it to create even more and so a vicious cycle began.

I cleaned and cleaned, my skin hated me for it and overproduced more oils, bringing more spots and imperfections. This went on and on until one day a beauty therapist revealed what was really wrong, it was dehydrated, and that instead of avoiding moisturisers, I should be investing in a good one to balance my skin out again. What a revelation! Most of us probably associate dehydrated skin with being dry but this isn’t always true.

However, once you have kids, as you know, a lot of things go out the window and sleep, self-care, skincare, sometimes even showers are some of those important things. When you remove these from your life, your skin starts to hate you. I was looking pale, my skin was lacklustre, I had huge bags under my eyes, my lines were more prominent and instead of drinking water to hydrate, I was drinking too much tea to try and stay awake. And that, my friends, is what fuels dehydrated ‘Mum’ skin!

So what can you do?…

I think the very first thing you have to do is to acknowledge how bad your skin has become. Unfortunately, this means taking a long hard look in the mirror. Study each area, where are your outbreaks? What parts need some extra attention? What have you been hiding behind all that makeup?

For me, my neck is a big indicator that I am feeling rundown or I’m not taking care of myself properly as I break out in spots down each side. These are often painful, ugly and red. You may have an area that flares up too? It is about starting to recognise what happens to you once your skin has had enough. My most embarrassing area has to be my nose and my large open pores and again, these have occurred through years of treating my skin the wrong way and not doing what was required.

Sleep and Water

Ok, so I don’t want to patronise anybody but the most obvious choices of action in order to tackle dehydrated skin are to sleep more (yeah right!) and to drink more water. Dehydrated skin will not appreciate all that caffeine or 5 hours sleeps, it wants and needs 8 hours plus plenty of water throughout the day. Now, let’s talk sleep. I don’t get enough, I haven’t in over 5 years. My children are not good sleepers and that just seems to be the way it is. Every now and then I will have a nap in the day when William sleeps (and Jake is at school), there are some days where my body is just crying out for it and even though it is hard to sleep on demand, I have no choice. Other times I go to bed at around 8pm to try and make up for some of those lost hours but I will admit that most of the time I am staying up far too late to have my ‘me time’. We are all guilty of that, aren’t we?! I know I need to be stricter with myself but that’s easier said than done.

One way of making sure I am drinking enough water is by carrying it with me everywhere I go. I bought this amazing refillable bottle from Amazon and it keeps the water beautifully cold. If I have it to hand I find that I reach for it, whereas if I am out and about without it, I will just happily go without. So, it’s just been about trying to find ways to prompt myself instead of ignoring what my body needs.

Skincare Routine

Over the years I’ve had a, er, variety of skincare routines… or lack of! But last year I was introduced to an amazing cleanser that has done wonders for my skin. Beeutiful Vanilla and Geranium Cleansing Balm is jam-packed full of ingredients which are all designed to cleanse, hydrate, feed and repair your skin.

“A soothing indulgent cleanser with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties whilst also providing long-lasting hydration”

Beeutiful Website

Beeutiful Geranium Cleansing Balm with the lid off

You can read my full review on this product here.

Since using this cleanser for a year I have also discovered the benefits of really working it into the skin as I cleanse. I tend to do lots of circular motions and make sure I get right into every area, every line and take my time with it. When I do this I immediately have plumper and more glowing skin just from that stimulation that gets the blood flowing. I have also left it on whilst having a shower just to give it more time to be absorbed.

My latest discovery is the Lush Eau Roma Water toner. This is a gentle tonic spray which refreshes and hydrates your skin. I spray this liberally over my face and neck after cleansing.

Eau Roma Water toner from Lush

I complete my daily skincare routine by applying Beeutiful’s B-Rose Facial Balm which I started using earlier this year. I took this balm out to Florida with me and it worked wonders on my skin after being in the sun all day. The B-Rose balm has been blended with a selection of oils, beeswax and rose to allow it to regenerate, moisturise and tone your skin. You only have to use a tiny amount to get optimum results too, which means it lasts and lasts. And when teamed up with the vanilla and geranium cleanser plus the toner, it really is improving the hydration of my skin.

B-rose balm

At Night

My nighttime skincare routine is similar to this one, only I don’t tend to use the toner and I add more of the B-Rose balm to allow it to work its way in overnight and to restore any hydration lost in the day. I also take a pint of water to bed so that if I wake (or am woken) in the night I can easily reach for a drink. I find that more often than not I now wake up with super soft skin instead of dry, lacklustre skin.

There is still a way to go and I do think that will come with time as my children finally decide that sleep is good for them! I am also going to get back into exercising and I know I need to get more citrus fruits into my diet to also help with my complexion. It’s not hard but it can be tricky when you are a busy parent and I think the key to improving dehydrated skin is to think about the changes that you need to make and be mindful of these each and every day.

I don’t think I will ever be somebody who will have beautifully clear skin and a smooth complexion but I can at least try to work with what I have and make the best of it.

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4 thoughts on “Tips For Helping Dehydrated ‘Mum’ Skin

  1. These products sound interesting. I like the look of the Beeutiful’s B-Rose Facial Balm I think using a SPF in a facial cream or makeup brand helps prevent wrinkles too and I always do this now.

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