It may seem like we are always trying to get rid of unwanted pests and bugs in our garden but are we going too far at times? Not all bugs are actually pests and if you start to look into their roles you will find out that some are vital to our eco-system. We are now all very aware of the huge role bees play in the pollination of our plants, flowers and trees. One way to encourage bees to your garden is by planting brightly coloured and strong scented plants, such as lavender. These will return year after year, look fab, will fill out to cover large areas and will keep the bees coming back. Other popular flowers include Aster’s, Hydrangea, Bergamot, Sun Flowers and Jasmine. Sunflowers are of course a really fun option to plant and grow with your children. But how can we attract other bugs and keep them sticking around? How about by building a bughouse?
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DIY: Personalised Gift
Finding the perfect gift can be difficult especially as you get older and also as you become a parent and extra celebratory days come along such as Mother’s and Father’s Day. Which is why last year I decided to have a go at creating my own special personalised gift – a Father’s day present for my husband.
After looking for inspiration on the internet I chose the idea of creating a family picture made up of our names. Using scrabble pieces to spell them out and linking them up was a perfect choice because he loves the board game.
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Garden Ideas
We have a very small garden because whoever builds houses these days obviously assumes that no modern-day person likes to do gardening (???) So I make the most out of the small space we have by researching garden ideas, looking into what others have done and I have discovered a passion for something I never thought I would – or maybe I am just getting old?!
Having re-positioned flower beds and re-laid the lawn, added pots, hanging baskets and bought new plants (yes, we learnt the hard way how expensive it is to only buy seasonal flowers after the first year).
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Kid’s Garden Ideas: How We Built The Perfect Toddler Garden
As Spring is here we decided to come up with a kid’s garden idea to keep our little guy busy and entertained whilst we are outside. We chose to make him his very own garden that he can dig and play in, a place where he could maybe grow some strawberries and also an area of his own to stop him destroying all my flower beds!
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