I hadn’t heard of a no buy year until the start of last year when I saw some people announce they were doing it on Instagram, and since having watched their progress plus seen their savings, it’s made me begin to look into this topic a little further. As an eco-conscious person, I loved the idea of people saying no to all of the ‘stuff’ and making do with what they already owned and then I realised that this is exactly what our planet needs – more people choosing to do a no buy year. You see, once you eliminate the extra waste, the non-essential consumerism, the disposables, the need for wanting more, you are helping our environment as well as your own pocket and here’s how…
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11 Ways To Save Money This Year
I think 2020 was quite a wake-up call for many of us in terms of the way we live, spend and consume. Having changed our lives to live more sustainably over the last couple of years, my mindset had already begun to change to think about consumerism and last year made us change even further. Due to this, we have saved far more money, we’ve had fewer financial worries and I am finally staying well above my overdraft which has been something I have always had to rely upon. So what can you do to make positive steps towards having a healthier bank balance? Here are my 11 ways that should help you to save money this year…
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5 Signs Money Stress is Getting on Top of You
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Money stress – it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. Not only does it have a horrible impact on your day-to-day life, but it can also damage your long-term health, your relationships, your spirit, and your job. Worrying about money can make everything less enjoyable and difficult to focus on. If you feel stressed about money, look out for these signs that it’s getting the better of you and take some steps to help yourself.
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Saving and investing money from home in 2020
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Whether you have money burning in your back pocket or are starting to feel a pre-Christmas pinch, we all want to know the best way to handle our hard-earned cash.
With lockdown two in full effect and redundancies high, people more than ever are struggling with the best ways to deal with their incomes. Should I save for a rainy day? Should I invest what I’ve already got? If I want to invest, where do I start? All these questions are completely normal and surprisingly they have far easier answers than you may expect.
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A Guide To Teaching Your Kids The Value Of Money
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It’s not a secret that kids don’t know anything about the value of money – that is until they learn it from you. If you don’t talk to them about money and make an effort to demonstrate how they should treat it, they will learn from you regardless. Badmouth money? Your kids will likely develop a negative relationship with it. Don’t spend money wisely? Your kids will see that money should be spent on impulse purchases and whims. If you want to make sure your kids grow up with a positive and sensible attitude towards money, read on.
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Disputing a Will: Steps to Take
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A will is an official piece of documentation that showcases a deceased person’s final wishes with regards to their finances, assets, and estate. It is a vitally important piece of information, as it ensures that a person’s bequeathal instructions are carried out exactly how they wanted them to be.
Following the instructions laid out in a will goes way beyond ensuring that money and houses end up in the right hands, though. Taking this action is a final show of respect to someone who made such an impression on life, which is why it must be taken at all costs.
If you’re ever tasked with dealing with the last will and testament of a loved one, you should do all you can to ensure their final wishes are granted — if this means disputing the will, then so be it. It will be a difficult route to go down, but it’ll most certainly be worth it.
Here are the steps you must take when faced with the task of disputing a will:
Determine if you have the right to contest
You can’t dispute a will if you don’t have the right to do so. The first thing that you must do, then, is to determine whether or not you actually have ‘standing’ in your case.
For the most part, to be deemed to have ‘standing,’ you must be able to prove that you are going to be directly affected by the outcome of the case, regardless of which way it goes. This means proving that you are either a blood relation or heir, a lawful benefactor, or a creditor to whom money is owed. If you don’t prove your ‘standing’ when it comes to the process of contesting the will, quite simply, you can’t contest it.
File your dispute in a timely manner
Having the right to contest the will won’t mean anything if you don’t file your dispute in a timely manner. Depending on where you live, the laws regarding contestation time frames will be different, so it’s imperative that conduct research on the matter. Regardless of where you live or what laws you unearth, however, it’s recommended that you file your dispute as soon as you possibly can. The earlier you get the ball rolling in this instance, the more evidence you will be able to compile on the case and, thus, the better chance you will have of winning it.

Get yourself a lawyer
You’re not going to get anywhere with your case if you don’t have a lawyer by your side throughout the duration of it. Quite simply, you need someone that knows how to contest a will pointing you in the right direction every step of the way, as this will allow you to avoid making mistakes that could potentially see your case unravel.
An inheritance law solicitor will scrutinize the will and any key information surrounding it to ensure that nothing is being forged or lied about. You can be sure, then, that this kind of professional will leave no stone unturned as you seek to do right by your deceased loved one.
If you’re ever tasked with disputing a will, it’s imperative that you take the steps laid out above. Doing so could be the difference between you winning and losing your case.
*This is a collaborative post. For further information please refer to my disclosure page.

Money Manage Your Way To Becoming A Stay At Home Mom
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There are too many reasons to list why becoming a stay at home mom (or dad) is a great choice to make, but let’s take a shot at a few!
- It means you don’t miss your kids’ milestones, and your children get to spend valuable time with the person they love the most.
- You don’t have to fork out for expenses on travelling to and from work, uniforms and lunches.
- Also, it means you have some freedom and flexibility to organise your day how you see fit without a strict working regime.