You may have had a rough ride during pregnancy and then you have either squeezed a little person out of your lady area or been cut open and you are thinking that’s your body done with all the changes and miracle working for one year… but very few people will go on and talk to you about the changes which continue to happen to your postpartum body – most probably because they don’t want to put you off any further! We need to be open about these issues though because I had no idea that my body would continue to give me grief and I have had to find advice and tips as they have happened to me. These 6 areas are the ones which have affected me in some way:
Continue reading “6 Things No One Tells You About Your Postpartum Body”Tag: women

PMS:The Monthly Battle
PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome is a term we have all heard since puberty but do you really know how deep the effects can go? Most people joke about PMS making someone cranky just before their period and to be completely honest this is all I ever thought it meant too. How wrong I was…
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